Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My Mind is Part of God's, I am Very Holy

This is a real kicker! Have you ever done this lesson?

You will believe that you are part of where you think you are. You surround yourself with the environment you want. And you want it to protect the image of yourself that you have made. The image is part of the environment. What you see while you believe you are in it is seen through the eyes of the image. This is not vision. Images cannot see.

This brings me to a sudden realization that my body is an image and I'm trying to protect it. Everything I see in the environment I have surrounded myself with is still just an image. I cannot see anything if I am an image. I am just seeing my own imagery. How can I protect an image? If it is just an image, why would I want to?

The idea is to let go of my image, and let God's idea of me replace that image I have made up.

One time, I let go of an obligation that I thought I had to fulfill where I was playing music in a band and I had grown tired of it. I just let go and refused to participate any more. It was scary, because all the other members let me know that I had let them down. However, when I walked into the session room with the Master Teacher, he looked at me and said "Congratulations! You let go of your imagery!"

The whole point of awakening is to really take a stand for the fact that I am constructing the entire environment I'm in. Including my job, my children, my house, my family, my groups of friends. All of it is my imagery. And I am in no way obligated to stay in it. I am actually required to accept that first, I made it up. Second, decide that I don't want to be in it any more. Third, release it.

I have to release my own need to stay in it, let go of the idea that someone else will be upset if I do so. That is possible, but, the line that keeps going through my head is "you would not react at all to figures in a dream you knew you were dreaming." Let them be as viscious as they may be, you would not react at all! I think of Jesus carrying the cross, "Behold, I make all things new!" he said as he walked. He knew it was all illusory and was totally willing to demonstrate it for me.

The awakening is a demand I make upon myself--a demand that I will not be tricked by my own imagery, or my own constructed ego identity any longer. I am not an image. I am the Holy Son of God Himself. But when I am suffering, I am an image, and I am not even real.

I am not a body, I am free. There is no obligation in Heaven. There is nothing missing! There is no lack, no sense of having to do anything!

I do want to be free and to set all my imagery free. Because the universe is holographic, when I set myself free, everything is set free. Everything I see then reflects this freedom. When I am healed, I am not healed alone. It's very simple. But you have to apply it.

So, the lesson goes on to have you list all the attributes of your self-identity or self-image you have made up. I see myself as imposed upon, depressed, failing, endangered, helpless, victorious, losing out, charitable, virtuous. Any attribute will work. I look within my mind, I see myself as lacking, doubting, mistrustful, in pain, small, unworthy. Use anything that comes to you.

Just do it right now! Really, it doesn't take more than a couple of minutes. You might be amazed what comes up. Then let go of the ideas, and state, after each one, but my mind is part of God's. I am very holy.

Holy? Can you accept this? Well, it's true, and because it is the opposite of your own self-constructed image of yourself, it might be hard to accept at first. But, I have to use reason at this point: God isn't wrong about me, after all, He created me in His image. And God is Holy!

I am the Holy Son of God Himself.

A declaration of truth. I cannot be anything but perfect and whole, whether I like it or not. My opinion of myself is wrong. How I see myself in all its positive and negative aspects, is still just simply wrong. I have learned to use breathing a lot to release the energy of false ideas.

I breathe out the false imagery.... and just let go. Try it. It's so simple, but you have to do it. Let me know how it goes!


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