Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Illuminate Minds Unite!

I am constantly faced with opinions. Opinions of what is going on here,ideas that make no real sense. Actually, all your opinions are just ideas of preferences and things you like as opposed to things you don't like. Comparisons, really.

All comparison is simply a game you play with perception. You are the perceiver, the one doing the seeing of the things apparently outside you. Yet, you are not accepting total responsibility for the seeing. If you were, you would choose only to release it in every moment. You would not hang onto your own perception for a second, because you would realize it cannot but be false. You would see that all perception is what the falsity is and you, the one doing it then, must be false. You as a separate entity, are false. Period.

Wow. So, then all my ideas about myself, all my associated ideas, which is what karma is, are false. So I don't have to give them any meaning any more. Just release them. Let go of the ideas I made up. Lesson 132, I loose the world from all I thought it was, reveals the idea that your beliefs make up the world you see. You can be free of them, by simply deciding you don't like what you've made up. You don't want it any more. And you would be in Heaven instantly.

Is it that simple? Truth is true and nothing else is true. That is simple. Love is simple because it is simply Itself. I really love the idea that I have nothing to say about truth. That truth doesn't need my opinion to be true. In fact, my opinion is meaningless, because only my acceptance of truth is required.

I need do nothing. I need only accept that fact that I am whole and perfect as God created me.

I cannot do this without help because apparently I put myself asleep by having one crazy idea that I could be separate from God. All doubt is doubt about myself. yet what I am doubting is that God is love and that I am what love is because I am an idea in His Mind. All ideas of lack are ideas that I am separate from God. None of which is true.

I am whole and perfect as God created me. Does the world want to know this? I made up the world to protect my denial of the truth. I wanted to deny it, and I did. Then, by experiencing the intense pain of this denial, I really got tired of the game I was playing with myself. I wanted desperately to know what was true, what was really going on and how to get out of this mess. Actually, I don't know anything about anyone else. There really isn't a world outside my mind. So I don't need to be concerned with it. Yet, I do want to extend the light of my mind so that anyone looking for the answer will find it.

I want to be happy, but I can't be happy till I make you happy too! Its a great song. I love you. I love my brother for helping me all along the way, for being my savior. For the Master Teacher, for every brother who cried out for help. And received the help that was given.

The documentary, "A Course in Miracles Unleashed" shows that everyone who sincerely wants out of the darkness, will find their way. We all got tired of being miserable and in pain, we all asked for help, we all received the Course, and we all left! Wow. So, now I am in an experience of leaving constantly. I come into time and space for a brief moment to convert the darkness to light and then leave. That is all I am doing here. I am so grateful that this is now only that. There is really nothing outside me that I need to be concerned about.

A converter is someone who has accepted Atonement for himself. Simple and true. Thank you for your dedication to the light and love of your true Self. You are what love is. You are what peace is. Peace comes into your mind when you have given up the idea of conflict. Forever.

Thank you, and I really hope this helps you in your transformation from a separate little self to the glorious reflection of love that you are. You are an idea in the Mind of God. Wow! Have a great day!


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