Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Current Economic Crisis

In time and space there is always some kind of crisis going on. Have you ever noticed? There is always something in this limited reference that reminds me that I am in hell. If this is your reality, it IS hell. It is ruled by fear. And if you are like me, you cannot escape your reactions to it. My reactions are first hand. I was recently working for a major corporation and my department, although it was very successful and productive, was terminated suddenly.

My first response was disbelief, then laughter and shock and all those emotions you just can't imagine unless it is happening to you. I really didn't expect this and whammo! I was unemployed.

So, it isn't fun to have to go through all these emotions. But, it is how I awaken from the dream. I don't have any control over what is happening here. I am constantly being shown this. I really don't know what to do about it either. I have to live honestly and openly. My reactions are just like everyone else's: rage, fear, disbelief, distrust, helplessness, and finally all I can do is let go.

I have had many moments of loss in my life. I lost custody of my children, I have been through two divorces. And now, I realize that there is nothing that I can count on in this world. The only thing I know that is true is Jesus and his teaching of love and forgiveness.

I have to forgive myself this entire dream of death. I have to or I am lost. Losing something is like a death and you just have to go right through the blackness of it to be free. You cannot change it, you can only embrace the experience and know that it is a really important lesson. It is teaching me what is real and what is false.

Any idea of security or safety is not to be found in this world. Of course not, it is a world where everything dies. So, what security could there be here? I know you may entertain this as a possibility, that this is life. But it isn't. Life doesn't end. Life is eternal, therefore, this is not life. It's real simple.

So what is life? Where can you find it? The Kingdom is within you. There is a place of total safety and security. It is not of this world and you have to look within to find it. It requires that you begin your awakening.

Do the lessons of A Course in Miracles. Really apply them to your life. For me, it was the way out of hell. I don't know how anyone else gets through experiences like this, I only know how I do.

This experience is a blessing. I may not know this when I'm afraid, but I do know that this is not a real place and I can depart by letting go of my thoughts about it. This is not my reality. My thoughts create this world. I can release my thoughts and I am free. This is the only way out.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I can identify with your situation on many levels and appreciate your honesty. I have said that expectations are our downfall because of their enormous conflict with spiritually. As you said we have one rock to trust. However these events push us back to center and show us that we can stray as we view this world with an eye for protection,favor and or financial support.It is the hell you say because you sell out each time you give in to it.
One of the awesome benefits to our awakening is our ability to see what is going on and to move away from the ego centered responses to a loving response. You are on a great track. Thank you for your honesty.