Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This Need Not Be

This passage in Chapter Four of the Urtext is always helpful to me. I have to reprint it here because every word, if you let it sink into your mind, will heal you of all temptation to believe in your pain. You can apply it to someone or to yourself. It is the key to forgiveness. I like it because it doesn't give me any room for justification of my own insane judgments.

Here it is:

In every case you have thought wrongly about some Soul that God created, and are perceiving images your ego makes in a darkened glass. Think honestly what you have thought that God would NOT have thought, and what you have NOT thought that God would have you think. Search sincerely for what you have done and left undone accordingly. And then change your minds to THINK WITH GOD'S.

How do you change your mind? Just think a new thought. Oh, I am wrong here. I am in pain, so I must be wrong. Period. I want to know what is true about myself and my brother. It is a challenge, but it also is easier than you think.

This may seem hard to you, but it is MUCH easier than trying to think AGAINST it. Your mind IS one with God's. Denying this and thinking otherwise has held your ego together, but has literally split your mind. As a loving brother, I am deeply concerned with your minds, and urge you to follow my example as you look at yourselves and at each other and see in both the glorious Creations of a glorious Father.

I often wonder why the pain is so persistent. But it is just habitual. I actually am enjoying it. I need to decide I don't like what I feel, and make another choice. Here is how Jesus expresses it:

When you are sad, KNOW that this NEED NOT BE. Depression ALWAYS arises ultimately from a sense of being deprived of something you want and do not have. KNOW you are deprived of nothing, except by your own decisions, and then decide otherwise.

When you are anxious, KNOW that all anxiety comes from the capriciousness of the ego, and NEED NOT BE. You can be as vigilant AGAINST the ego's dictates as FOR them.

When you feel guilty, KNOW that your ego has indeed violated the laws of God, but YOU have not. Leave the sins of the ego to me. That is what the Atonement is for. But until you change your mind about those your ego has hurt, the Atonement cannot release you. As long as you feel guilty, your ego is in command, because only the ego CAN experience guilt. THIS NEED NOT BE.

Well, there you have it. In a nutshell. Any emotion that you can conjure up, is addressed in this passage. Jesus really knows you. And now, because you are on this journey without distance, there is no reason to cling to old habitual thinking. There is every reason to let it go. This is not difficult, it is just a completely different way to use the power of your mind. Instead of aligning with falsity, you align with God.

Let me know if this helps you today!


Monday, April 28, 2008

Letting Go of Idols

This is a tough teaching. I have to admit that to let go of all my ideas of what I think will complete myself is a major challenge. There are no degrees to this. I have to accept it as a total solution or it is nothing.

The human mind is always limited in its perception. Yet I have to look at this idea...can the limitless be limited? Can my idea of lack be fulfilled? The problem is the limited thought itself. I have to be undone in the very first thought I had about myself in separation. The idea that I am lacking something is the problem.

Jesus turned stones into bread by knowing that the bread was already given. A need is already met. He just gave thanks for it and it appeared before him. Cause and effect are not apart. They are ONE.

This is from Chapter 30, The New Beginning, Beyond All Idols:

Decide for idols and you ask for loss. Decide for truth and everything is yours. It is not form you seek. What form can be a substitute for God the Father's Love? What form can take the place of all the love in the Divinity of God the Son? What form can replace you? You as a complete idea in the Mind of God? Yet, here you seek for idols to do just that.

When you decide upon the form you want, you lose the understanding of its purpose. So you see your will within the idol, thus reducing it to a specific form. Yet this could never be your will, because what shares in all creation cannot be content with small ideas and little things.

See how total this is? It is about you, deciding to be who you are...who God created. Accept that and you are saved. It is just acceptance that allows you to remain as God created you since You are That now. You can be whole. Yet, to truly know it, on every level, physical, emotional, and mental, you must let go of your idols. I don't care what it is. I don't care about the form. Any idea, any substitute for God's Love is your idea that something outside of you will complete you. That is insanity on its most basic level.

Are you afraid to lose these little things you love and cherish? Be honest. If you think you need it, you are cherishing it and are lost already.

Let go of the form, let go of wanting the form to change. See beyond form. That is the great challenge. Because then, you would see its unreality and all your problems would simply vanish. You would see perfection all around you and you would be IT.

Guess what? YOU ARE. Why is this so difficult then? Because you deny it. You have all power and you put things in place of God all the time. You reject God and say, "I want it thus!" without even realizing it.

Behind the search for every idol lies the yearning for completion. Wholeness has no form because it is unlimited.

Yes! You want completion. That is what you seek. And seek you must. Because you are simply asking for what is your right. You do know of your perfection no matter how dim the possibility seems that you could be the light of the world. You are already this light, but you are looking at form and missing it. You see light or darkness.

This is the purpose of an idol; that you will not look beyond it, to ths source of the belief that you are incomplete.

You see, it's just a trick you are playing on yourself. You think you need something but you are already the THING YOU SEEK. It is YOU. You in the reality of love, of wholeness, of perfection.

I can see it now, but a few days ago, I was in a state of letting go and it was totally painful. The conversion of my limited mind is intense! Don't think it isn't so. In many moments of deep release, I am sometimes in so much pain it is astounding. My mind goes into ideas of how to relieve the away! Drink alcohol! Find another relationship! I am bereft of my own inner state of love and calm.

Then, I ask for help from a brother who is in this process and reach out. I am always assured that this is exactly where I need to be for a moment. Not to dwell on it, but to allow it to simply happen through me. I have to allow myself to become totally defenseless. I have to go through this without any hesitation.

It works. The next moment I am free and I can't remember what all that emotion was about. "I am never upset for the reason I think" becomes an experience.

It never is the idol that you want. But what you think it offers you, you want indeed and have the right to ask for. Nor could it be possible it be denied. Your will to be complete is but God's Will, and this is given you by being His. God knows not form.

God knows not form! He cannot answer you in terms that have no meaning. You see, the dream of form is the limitation itself, it is the idea that you are lacking something. What are you lacking? Everything!

This is a teaching of totality. You are nothing or everything. You are illusion, or truth itself. That is why books are not helpful unless they point to this experience of relinquishment. You have to do it to have it! Be it.

Thank you for your dedication to the truth of you.

Completion is the function of God's Son. He has no need to seek for it at all. Beyond all idols stands his holy will be but what he is. For more than whole is meaningless. Wholeness. Perfection. Glory. Grandeur. What God created. Not what you have made of him. You cannot change perfection, although you think you did.

It is simply a dream of lack, of suffering. It is not real, yet when you are in the throes of your inner conversion, you are in a release. Don't judge it, let it be whatever it is. Hate everyone, hate yourself totally and just let go. All this is being undone in these intense moments.

What is not whole cannot make whole. But what is really asked for cannot be denied. So, ask and the door is opened. Seek and you shall find. But be sure of what you seek. Anything less than perfection is asking for death, for hell. I know how hard this can be, but you have the courage to go through it. I know because I found it within myself. I am not different from you. I want truth, I want peace...I want to know myself as I truly am. I will not settle for anything less.

Thoughts seem to come and go. Yet all this means is that you are sometimes aware of them, and sometimes not.

The denial is just that, denying you the thoughts and feelings underneath all the pretense that you are JUST FINE. That you can solve your problem. An unremembered thought is born again to you when it returns to your awareness. Yet it did not die when you forgot it. It was always there, but you were unaware of it. You were simply unaware. Now you are becoming aware of every thought underneath the denial. This is what conversion is. Letting dark thoughts, thoughts of lack and pain come to the surface and allowing them to be released. No one can do it for you.

Yet the Thought God holds of you is perfectly unchanged by your forgetting.

I was recently told that I don't have to go through the emotions of this, I can just change my mind and it will all be undone. Theoretically, that is true. Jesus says in the Urtext, you will feel all this pain but THIS NEED NOT BE. I do understand that it is my own attachment to pain that is the problem. But I also know that personally, in my process, deep emotional release is included.

I have never been able to do it any other way. Yes, it gets easier, and things release a lot quicker, but I cannot deny my emotions. They are simply there underneath all the denial. They show me where I need to look. I allow them and go through them without defense and they release. I am free when I don't avoid any thought, any idea. I don't mean that I dwell on the pain, but I have to be willing to allow feelings to come and go. I am not afraid of my emotions. I don't know how to do this without emotion. To me, that is just more denial. This is a very personal experience and no one can tell you how it should be.

The Thoughts of God are far beyond all change, and shine forever. They wait for welcome and remembering. The Thought God holds of you is like a star, unchangeable in an eternal sky. So high in Heaven is it set that those outside of Heaven know not it is there. Yet still and white and lovely will it shine through all eternity. There was no time it was not there; no instant when its light grew dimmer or less perfect ever was. Who knows the Father knows this light, for He is the eternal sky that holds it safe, forever lifted up and anchored sure. Its perfect purity does not depend on whether it is seen on earth or not. The sky embraces it and softly holds it in its perfect place, which is as far from earth as earth from Heaven. It is not the distance nor the time that keeps this star invisible to earth. But those who seek for idols cannot know the star is there.

Thank you for all your light and recognition that you want this. For this you came. To accept within you the way out of hell and to be released into your divine perfection that is all around you is no little dream. It is magnificent. Thank you.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Faith in Your Brother

When a situation has been dedicated wholly to truth, peace is inevitable.

I read this and recognize that I have to make a dedication to have faith in my brother. And that to trust my brother is to trust myself. I cannot love without this inherent trust. I cannot know myself, trust myself, without knowing my brother. I must know him as myself.

There are habitual blind spots in my mind, where I really think I know something about someone else. I really think that my relationships are with someone outside my mind. I do. I have to admit it. I think I know who they are. Yet, if I really accept lesson #6, I am upset because I see something that is not there, I must make the admission that I am not seeing what is real. My relationships are showing me where I am in my own process. Period.

I put them there, I made them up. I have been in relationship solely and completely with MYSELF. My hallucination with my projections that I made, because lesson #15 says my thoughts are images I have made, so this is simply all that I am experiencing here. If I am judging, I am judging myself. If I am loving, I am loving myself. That is all. There are not degrees or intervals of this. It is either one or the other. Love or fear, truth or illusion. Awakening is total.

I love this, because it simplifies my life incredibly. I don't have to take anyone's inventory, I don't have to be at all concerned with what they say, what they do, how they react to me. I am simply in my own process. I take my own inventory and allow the correction witin me.

It seems that this would be an easy thing to do but my experience is that it takes great courage and inner strength to be free. The projections of my mind show me my own perception. I am making them up. I can be free but I have to be willing to be shown where I am off track. My brother will show me this and continues to do so. I have to be willing to see everyone, absolutely everyone differently.

I have to have total faith that my brother is already fulfilling my every desire. My desire is for freedom and he is there to ensure that I become free. When I finally accepted that this was true, I laughed out loud. I saw that my own insanity, my own need to possess, to be in conflict, to work things out with someone, had been the cause of all my unhappiness for my entire life. I was astounded at this. I saw that I had put my relationships in my life for my own healing. Yet I was causing them pain. And I knew it...I humbly begged God to forgive me. I was so sorry.

The reason I can trust my brother is because I put him there to learn who I am. I am learning it by admitting to myself that whenever I am in any conflict, it is because I want it. Then, I can ask for the release. I don't like the way it feels, I don't like thinking judging thoughts all day long. I have little tolerance for this now. I want to be released. I want to know my brother as myself and I simply cannot be whole without him. I want to love him and give to him. I want to set him free.

How can you truly be happy when you are judging your brother? First, you cannot even know who he is, because you made up an image of him and THAT, and only that, is what you are in relationship with. Truly. Can you accept this? You are the cause of your relationship. Only you.

I know how hard this is to do at first, but when you accept it, a door opens within you. And you have a real opportunity for change. You do not need to continue to act within your patterns any longer. Your patterns are made up. You can stop acting them out. Just get fed up with your own insane mind to control anything.

I just did this with a long term relationship and I am still amazed at how free I feel. I was married for seven years and it's over. And I am completely happy because all my judgments of myself that I was projecting, all my fears, all my petty expectations that he fulfill something within me, are simply gone. I feel totally new. It is so wonderful.

How did this happen? I wanted to be FREE. It's very simple, it's very clear. Now I am free to just love him. And I really do! Because I accepted one simple thing. He is ME. I had lots of ideas that we would be together forever, that we would go out and teach together, live together, raise our kids together. But they all disappeared. I had to let go of my ideas about him, about being married, about staying together. All of it was my own idea.

I remember when we first got together I realized I didn't know how to trust. I asked within myself "how do I trust my brother?". I was told "this is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased". Wow. The voice was loud and clear. I had to experience this for myself, to experience my brother as myself. To accept that he is as innocent, sinless, guiltless and entirely free to make his own decisions. I learned a great deal over these seven years. I learned to become very intimately involved with someone and to dedicate our relationship to healing. Guess what? It worked. And it is still working, because we are not separate. There is no loss. I love him deeply and now my love extends to all the Sonship.

Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity to heal the Son of God. And he is healed because you offered faith to him, giving him to the Holy Spirit and releasing him from every demand your ego would make of him. Thus do you see him free, and in this vision does the Holy Spirit share. And since He shares it He has given it, and so He heals through you. This is from Chapter 19, I. Healing and Faith.

Incredible. How simple is salvation.


Friday, April 18, 2008

I Rest In God

What would it feel like to completely rest in God? To be perfectly calm and quiet all the time. To be happy, joyous, and to act freely out of a sense of love, of joining in communication with my brother, to extend from the inner core of my Being. To be healed entirely of this dream of separation and to heal as I am healed. Do you want to know?

I have a living demonstration of it right here and now. It is incredible to be in the presence of a Master. I know that no matter what silly thoughts I conjure up during the night or in my interactions with my brothers, I have the Master. I have that one true reference. And he is me.

All idols must fall. Idols are anything at all that you hold outside your mind and think you need in order to be happy. I don't idolize the Master. I embrace him as myself because that is the fact of it. I am the light of the world. I am incredibly valuable. My light is what the universe longs to behold.

I can make these statements now in full recognition of their truth. I just simply accept them. I have released my false idea of separation. It was never true. I thought it was, and I have moments of insanity, but they just release when I decide enough is enough. It is very simple because false ideas are ridiculous and just simply disappear when I bring them to the light. The Holy Spirit is active and he will heal instantly anything you willingly give him to heal. It is a daily practice and my mind is always seeking this integration with truth.

I wanted full enlightenment and because I made that one decision, I got the result. Mind is all powerful. You either make a dream of falsity, or a dream of truth. It is entirely up to you.

Is it tolerable to you to be in pain, in a dream of suffering? If so, that is why you are in pain. If it isn't, that is how you woke up.

I learn from absolutely everyone I talk to. I am not able to allow someone telling me who I am and what I should do. I simply feel the pain of that and speak from my inner knowing. Awakening means letting go, but also it is active. It is an activation to be that light. To express it, to not be afraid to say what you truly feel. If it is false, it will be corrected. If true, it resounds throughout the universe and heals everyone, near or far.

If there is fear to say something, SAY IT! Just be free to express your mind. It is an important lesson for those of us who really had trouble being in a limited state of consciousness. Like me, for instance. I was always feeling the pain of judgment. But when I realized that was ME JUDGING! Then, there was hope. It seemed that I am being judged for being myself. But it is all changing now. Look at how people are beginning to ask the big questions...who am I, what am I doing here? What is my purpose in life? Heck, it's even on Oprah.

Twenty years ago, I went into a deep depression, and these questions were glaring me in the face. I knew I didn't know and I begged for the answer. A few months later, I found A Course in Miracles. I couldn't believe this book actually had the answer, but the first thing I understood was: there is no such thing as sin, there is only error and error can be corrected!

Yipppeeee! I could feel that! I knew it meant that I had hope. There was a reason for my existence after all. I need to be corrected! I am not beyond hope. It also meant that God is Love, which I always felt all along. The churches weren't teaching this back then and I hope they are now. Because a judging God just doesn't do me any good. I want a God that loves me and takes care of me.

So here I am, years later, wondering how did it happen? And I know that God is an awesome God. Because every question I had or have still is answered. I am in communication with the Love of the universe and I embrace that Love as my Self. The key is to know all your idols do fall, because they are barriers to your self-recognition. The light is in YOU.

I can rest in God, because I am the ray of light He created. I cannot be anything else. Nothing other than God exists.

I love you, I hope you know that you are love itself and that there is nothing to worry about. I hear the song in my head "In time the Rockies may crumble, Gibralter may tumble, they're only made of clay, but...our love is here to stay."


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Ray of Light

I am reading the Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. This is all about the Christ Light, Christ Mind, and I am having amazing experiences reading this that I can only read a paragraph at a time. Much like the Course in Miracles, I find that often just one statement is powerful enough to release my thoughts, my separate ideas over a long period of time.

I don't just read a book any more. I have to embrace it on every level, and my mind wants to drink it in, to absorb it's meaning and apply it. I have to allow the great silence to come into me and let it speak to me of myself. I have to slow myself down. My habitual mind wants to rush around and do things. It takes a persistence to resist this urge. I feel an impulse to act, then I stop, breathe, and see if it is really what I want to do. I don't live in reaction any more.

This comes with the territory of awakening. I see that my activity can become unnecessary very fast if I allow it to. I love reading, but I don't seem to remember what I read if I don't let it sink into me.

I know this all just an exercise. I am experimenting with my mind. With myself. I only want peace now. I refuse to be in conflict. There isn't any conflict anyway, but if I am constantly reacting, I am what conflict is. This is a challenge to me, because I watch my mind go into habitual thinking. It is all associated with time. Oh, it's Tuesday, my day off, I could go out for lunch...maybe I'll call someone...I make a list of people I could call. I either act on this impulse, or not.

I love just noticing my habits. I think there is security in them. But they actually keep me in chains, because they keep me in a past association with myself. Oh, I could go to Spain and teach there, I did that three or four times, maybe I'll do it again. But I just see how that is completely made up. The challenge is to always let go of what I did in the past. Let go of the habitual thinking.

I read the teachings and drink them in. Listen to this one, but stop a moment, breathe, let go of any idea that you have heard this before:

"No man will actually know God until he himself experiences the realization of God within himself. NO man knoweth the things of God except the spirit of God which is in him reveal them. ...The union of every condition brings man right back to God. He does not need to attain. He is God. That is wholeness of Principle. The materiality of illusion is that which gets us into all kinds of difficulties and strife. In that complete unification of Principle in man, we rise out of objectification entirely as we know objectification. There is a pure manifestion of God but it is not a material or limited objectification. It is a state of consciousness expression of all that Principle is. But there is not the slightest degree of separation or limitation. It is like a ray of light among innumerable rays of light, which altogether make the light that is universal, but each ray IS light."

This is so aptly put, very simple and very important to me right now. Here's more:

"The statement, "I am God," accompanied by the realization of what is truly involved in it will heal any condition instantly. If you realize it and see nothing but that Truth, only that Truth can manifest. In treating yourself or another you see and declare only the eternal Unity with God. That Light comes forth instantly for it is the true light and then we know that unity is in existence within ourselves. It is all accomplished. That is the Christ Light, the Christ Principle. This eliminates the theory that it is necessary to do any specific work on the glands, on the body centers, upon the body itself, or to treat disease, as you state it. The physical will fall into line as soon as we realize that fundamental Unity."

This is Christian Science. It is Jesus of Nazareth. It is A Course in Miracles.

I love it. I have no need to prove it. I know it's true, and so do you. There is no need for remedy. Truth is true and nothing else is true. You are the Ray of Light, the Christ, the Holy Son of God. Maybe you just need a reminder. I do.

Well, just let it sink in. There is nothing you need do, there is nothing to fear. Breathe, release your thoughts of illness, death, pain, suffering, and conflict. You are the Answer, you are the Ray of Light. It is so simple. But you must apply it. Let me know how it's going...I love you!


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ask For Help

Sometimes it is the hardest thing to do, just to simply ask for help. I don't know why that is, but I think it has to be because of the only problem I ever have...fear. What if I get a response I don't like? What if I am refused the help I need? Then what? I am all alone!

But until I learn to just ask, I am all alone! Until I ask, I will never give anyone the chance to help me. In fact, I am believing a lie, that I can do it all myself. Which just isn't true. I need everyone's help. Denying this fact keeps me separate and I am buying into littleness again.

Why don't I just take a chance on love? Give it a shot. Maybe my brother actually is helpful and giving and I don't have to do everything myself. What if my asking for help allows him to shine his light and I can learn to receive.

If it is true that giving and receiving are the same, I might as well learn to receive. I am crazy if I think I don't need help from my brother. I am totally grateful to see that my ideas of separation never, ever work. If I refuse help, I am simply staying separate.

I always need help. I am not at home here on this planet and I know that underneath all my fear is the knowledge that this is true. I have lots of painful memories, and I don't want to have to interact with anyone sometimes. I just want to stay in bed and be all alone. But, really, it doesn't work. It is a lonely place and I don't have to stay there. I can reach out and ask for help, and offer to help. My greatest joy is in extending myself. This takes many forms. I just show up and offer to speak with someone. Perhaps there is something I can say that will assist in some way.

All I know is, I am not alone. I have many brothers here who are, yes, images I have made. But if I don't take responsibility for the imagery, I am still separate. It is my job to be responsible for what I see, including someone in pain. Even if that someone is me.

Recently, I was extremely upset and angry with God and everyone around me. I couldn't contain it and for several days I was just in a fury. It doesn't matter what put me there, because obviously, I am undergoing a transformation and it is intense sometimes. But I had the idea that everyone around me had let me down. Every one I met reflected my anger, absolutely everyone!

So, I finally grabbed someone and told them exactly what I was feeling. I let it all out and let the emotions fly. I let all my secrets out, how God had let me down, how I couldn't believe it had to be this way...basically a perceptual temper tantrum.

As I let all this out, I felt a huge relief, and heard my friend telling me that all these things, these relationships I have put in my mind to save me, have to fail. They have to fall apart. Because they aren't really based on love. This seemed really crazy to me, because I am supposed to be in a spiritual transformation!!!! And my brothers are supposed to love me, not abandon me and betray me!

Right. Well, I can laugh now at being in such an insane place in my mind, but, in truth it wasn't easy to feel all this. She sat with me for at least an hour and I held her hand and shut up and listened. I allowed her to be the savior by surrendering to her whole mind. She completely got me. She had been divorced three times and knew exactly what I was feeling. Amazing how I got the right person in that moment isn't it?

I just simply let her save my ass. Today, I saw her and thanked her. She is incredible. We all need to reach out when the emotions are flying and the hardest thing to do is to ask for help. But it works.

I am on this mission, I have accepted the Atonement for myself. I cannot do it alone. I need God, Jesus, and all my brothers. The fact is, if I am not happy, I am wrong. Period. It doesn't matter what has occurred, how tragic, or how trivial. If I am unhappy, I am WRONG. It's my job to ask for a miracle and let the correction take place. Release the fear! Release the upset. It isn't worth it.

If you can't do it alone, ask someone near you, someone you trust to just sit with you and hear you out. They don't have to have the answer. They just have to listen and then, read a lesson with you. God is still Love and this is not His Will for you. God's Will for you is perfect happiness.

Luckily, I can just walk into the session room with the Master Teacher and all he has to do is look at me, and I am released. That's what I did after my hour with my friend, and a few moments later, I was myself again. I felt great. There was no pain, only light. I was completely and utterly saved. The memories were simply gone.

I am so lucky. I have nothing to worry about. All help is right here and now and if I am not utilizing it, I am insane.

Thanks to everyone who has ever helped me. I am only too aware of how much I need each and every one of you to get out of the insanity of my own separate mind. I have had lots of teachers and I cannot begin to list them all. I just know, somewhere I asked you to be there for me and I agreed to be there for you. Because this is how we got out of hell.

If you want to listen to a class, check out They are featuring some on-line classes. I heard my own class last night and I couldn't believe it. I hope it helps someone out there, because it sure helped me last night. Giving and receiving are the same! It's actually true.

Thanks for everything!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Power of Choice

I was on a flight to visit my father, who was spending some time in Florida visiting the places he used to go with my mother before she died. I decided it would be better if he had some companionship. As I was sitting there, reading a book I happened to pick up the airport, a voice spoke to me. It said, "You are extremely valuable!"

I'll never forget it. It took my by surprise and I felt the import of the words. I let them change me, right then and there. And I really took it to heart. I have to recognize that I am being helped. I can really feel these awakened masters with me and I know that I am not ever alone. When guidance comes in this strong, I pay attention.

Listen to this from Chapter 18, "Littleness and glory are the choices open to your striving and your vigilance. You will always choose one at the expense of the other. Yet what you do not realize, each time you choose, is that your choice is your evaluation of yourself."

Isn't that amazing? Your striving is always either toward glory or toward littleness. Ideas of lack or limitation in your mind are killing you. They are literally denying you your true nature.

What if I am here to be a totally glorious awakened teacher of God in service to mankind because of my commitment to the truth? What if that were true?
Well, it is. I am extremely valuable.

I am perfect and whole as God created me and I have nothing to say about it. My ideas of denial are nothing. It doesn't even make any sense to anyone, especially me. I know that I am happiest when I am giving to someone. When I have stopped to ask myself, do I really like myself and what I am doing right now? Do I enjoy this? Do I like what I spend my time doing? Do I like my partner, my children? Am I feeling glorious, or small? Is this working or not? Do I feel appreciated, loved, cared for. Am I appreciating myself? Loving myself?

This is really important. Because after two marriages, I have to pull myself up on how I let myself stay in unhappy situations too long. How I worked at a job not because I liked it, but because it paid the bills. I have to recognize that I have been making the choice for littleness and that my true desire is to experience the glory of my Self and extend that into the universe. I have to value myself entirely and recognize that I am whole.

My entire reference for my life has shifted. I no longer tolerate unkindness from anyone. Period. And I refuse to be unkind to anyone. I have to be admonished for impatience and mistrust. I have to see that I have tried to find happiness outside of me, in relationships or external circumstances. None of which has worked.

I am whole and perfect as God created me. That means I am honest, faithful, trusting, giving, and joyful. I must accept that these are the attributes I want to experience. Nothing less than happiness, which is a constant state, by the way. Consistency is honesty. And true happiness never wavers. I can experience happiness all the time if I am vigilant in my mind to be who I really am.

It's not easy. Here in this place I always feel a little bit afraid of people. I just do. It comes from a knowing that I do not belong here. And I am trying to find a way to be here. I have to earn money because I have children and I really enjoy seeing them. Working is giving and I have learned to enjoy working. I hate just sitting around or just watching movies. I am not entertained by this world any more. The only joy I really feel is in extending.

You might think it impossible to be happy all the time. I do want it, though. I want to experience only that. Only peace, only joy and only love.

In my awakened state, I know it's true. Yet, I die daily. I allow all my ideas to come into my awareness, admit them, and then let go. I am challenged by the practice I live by, which is to constantly surrender each unloving thought. In that choice, I am willing to be utilized. I want to know myself as I truly am. I am free to be myself. It has nothing, NOTHING to do with anyone else.

Freedom is freedom from judgment. Period. I no longer worry about what others think of me. I am MY SELF.

I have chosen to be in my glory. I simply have to accept that God is love. If God is love, so am I. There is no such thing as conflict or fear. Period. I don't tolerate it.

Finally, enlightenment is a choice to be the love that you are. A recognition of the truth of you. You are extremely valuable! And you have nothing to say about it. The sooner you experience it, the happier you will be. You might as well accept it right now. Don't allow any doubts to enter. Just be free of all the nonsense for a moment and let your light shine before men.

What have you got to lose?


Friday, April 4, 2008

Salvation Comes From My One Self

"You must habit yourself to the dazzle of the light and of every moment of your life.
Now I will you to be a bold swimmer,
To jump off in the midst of the sea, rise again, nod to me, shout, and laughingly dash with your hair".
Walt Whitman, Song of Myself

The poets know. I always am reminded in hours of quietness that there are those who know. They know themselves. They are the poets, the writers, the philosophers. I read Emerson and drink in his timeless wisdom that comes with experience. He got me through such trying times in my life. When my kids moved away, when my husband left. When my mother died. When the hours seemed so long and dull without the sound of little footsteps in my house.

My real affinity is for those who really know who they are, and who are not afraid to express themselves. There is no right or wrong in all this. My feeling for love, for being loved, for having a true relationship with God, my Creator is beyond my own understanding.

I find my searching coming into a newness, a feeling of simplicy and humility. And above all a wonderment at the slightest feelings, intimations or ideas.

Chance meetings with my fellows occur when I have no plans. And there is communication among us, beyond our own judgment. It just simply occurs in the moment. The spontaneity of my mind directs me to where to go. Fearless in the now. This is critical now.

All has changed, I cannot grasp the fullness of each moment. If I am sad, I am totally, completely bereft. If angry, I am furious at God and everyone around me. If happy, the joy is boundless. It is so extreme, and yet so alive.

All I know is I am alive! I feel all, I touch all, I am everything around me. I dare to love my brother and to let him in! I only want that sweet communication with him to know myself. It is rare. It is full.

Appreciation comes into my awareness at the end of the day. How horrible it began with all my thoughts of unfairness and smallness and now I am so peaceful with the knowledge of the love I feel, the communion I have with my self, with God. I cannot doubt the existence of the real, of the lightness of being. I am that.

I finally get that it isn't fickle to want to know myself, it is the only thing worth knowing, because God made me to feel all, to know all. To breathe and laugh and cry and find the heart, and live there. And to let my brothers come into my life, share their fears, their joys with me.

"Vivas to those who've failed!
And to those whose war-vessels sank in the sea.
And to those who themselves sank in the sea."

I love Walt Whitman for his daring, his pronouncements of life itself. Read this:

"There was never any more inception than there is now,
Nor any more youth or age than there is now,
And will never be any more perfection than there is now,
Nor any more heaven or hell than there is now."

Isn't that incredible?

My one self is to be celebrated, to be honored and to be sung. It is time to truly live in that aliveness of self. I cannot believe how easy it is...

"I celebrate myself and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.

I loafe and invite my soul,
I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass."


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Light and Joy and Peace Abide in Me

This lesson is the statement of release from every form of fear or doubt. I am the Answer. I am the seeker and the finder. I need do nothing. If I can get quiet enough to go within myself and let go of fear, then I am free. I can learn to recognize something when it is off, a fear thought comes into my awareness and I respond to it...but how. What do I do with it? An idea of pain, sadness, loss, depression. These thoughts come into my mind and I either give into them, or not.

This is a bit tricky, because I spent many years depressed and it is familiar to me. The only thing that ever got me out of depression was finding my One Mind. And the direct experience of singularity, or One Mind, One God, One Thought. Any contrary idea, an idea of a dual purpose, of having to have anything of this world of separation will bring me instantly into pain. Yet all this is, is a trick I am playing on myself.

I have been looking at the idea of humility lately. I did a talk on Step 7 at a 12 Step Meeting last week. It was spontaneous because the speaker didn't show up and I knew I had to speak. So as I looked at the 7th Step: "Humby asked Him to remove my shortcomings", I read about humility. And I remembered the lesson "I am the Light of the World". This is where Jesus states emphatically, that "humility consists of accepting your role in salvation and in taking no other."

This means you are to accept that you are whole and perfect as God created you and you have nothing to say about it! Any idea to the contrary is false and has no meaning. I do know that you are tempted to believe otherwise, because I am often tempted to believe that I am small, weak, and at the whim of the circumstances I find myself in. But all that is, is a tiny fragmented idea of myself, which isn't even true. It is like a ripple on the ocean, having a crazy idea for a moment that it could be separate from the ocean.

So for one instant I recognize I am insane and I say to myself: My thoughts do not mean anything, or There is nothing to fear, or I am the light of the world. And instantly, I feel changed. There is a surge of energy within me. I am ecstatic again, I have to release these silly ideas instantly. I am vigilant for God.

Insanity is simply the denial of truth. It is thinking that you are fearful and have to remain so. It is such a silly game you play with yourself. I have become very intolerant of it. A friend of mine recently went into a very fearful state and I had to be very firm and finally ask her to leave. I couldn't feel anything but "this is crazy and I don't have to deal with it any longer."

For a moment, I didn't know if this was the right response. But what happened after showed me that it was. She had to hit a bottom with it. And that is what happened.

I cannot tolerate anyone in fear around me. Unless they ask for help with it, I am not able to coexist with that frequency. It is simply not possible. I have become vigilant for truth. And anyone asking for help, great, I can convert fear and help you with it. But if you defend your fear, I have no answer for you. Except to ask you why would you want to defend fear? It's ridiculous.

Humility is accepting my role in salvation. Be the light of the world. Shine away the darkness. Don't tolerate it and empathize with it. It isn't tolerable, and you murder anyone who is fearful and unwilling to release it. What isn't love is murder.

This is a tough teaching. But it works. The confrontation with the insanity of the ego mind is essential to undoing it. It has to be confronted because it is a lie. You have maintained this lie for so long, you actually believe it. Love doesn't know of fear. It is not possible.

Humility is accepting the Atonement for yourself. I am as God created me. This is real and true. But if you tolerate any idea to the contrary, you are denying God. The great reversal brings about your release from insanity or fear in all its myriad forms. Reverse your mind, deny the denial. You are truly the Light of the World.

Who are you to deny God?
