Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Ray of Light

I am reading the Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. This is all about the Christ Light, Christ Mind, and I am having amazing experiences reading this that I can only read a paragraph at a time. Much like the Course in Miracles, I find that often just one statement is powerful enough to release my thoughts, my separate ideas over a long period of time.

I don't just read a book any more. I have to embrace it on every level, and my mind wants to drink it in, to absorb it's meaning and apply it. I have to allow the great silence to come into me and let it speak to me of myself. I have to slow myself down. My habitual mind wants to rush around and do things. It takes a persistence to resist this urge. I feel an impulse to act, then I stop, breathe, and see if it is really what I want to do. I don't live in reaction any more.

This comes with the territory of awakening. I see that my activity can become unnecessary very fast if I allow it to. I love reading, but I don't seem to remember what I read if I don't let it sink into me.

I know this all just an exercise. I am experimenting with my mind. With myself. I only want peace now. I refuse to be in conflict. There isn't any conflict anyway, but if I am constantly reacting, I am what conflict is. This is a challenge to me, because I watch my mind go into habitual thinking. It is all associated with time. Oh, it's Tuesday, my day off, I could go out for lunch...maybe I'll call someone...I make a list of people I could call. I either act on this impulse, or not.

I love just noticing my habits. I think there is security in them. But they actually keep me in chains, because they keep me in a past association with myself. Oh, I could go to Spain and teach there, I did that three or four times, maybe I'll do it again. But I just see how that is completely made up. The challenge is to always let go of what I did in the past. Let go of the habitual thinking.

I read the teachings and drink them in. Listen to this one, but stop a moment, breathe, let go of any idea that you have heard this before:

"No man will actually know God until he himself experiences the realization of God within himself. NO man knoweth the things of God except the spirit of God which is in him reveal them. ...The union of every condition brings man right back to God. He does not need to attain. He is God. That is wholeness of Principle. The materiality of illusion is that which gets us into all kinds of difficulties and strife. In that complete unification of Principle in man, we rise out of objectification entirely as we know objectification. There is a pure manifestion of God but it is not a material or limited objectification. It is a state of consciousness expression of all that Principle is. But there is not the slightest degree of separation or limitation. It is like a ray of light among innumerable rays of light, which altogether make the light that is universal, but each ray IS light."

This is so aptly put, very simple and very important to me right now. Here's more:

"The statement, "I am God," accompanied by the realization of what is truly involved in it will heal any condition instantly. If you realize it and see nothing but that Truth, only that Truth can manifest. In treating yourself or another you see and declare only the eternal Unity with God. That Light comes forth instantly for it is the true light and then we know that unity is in existence within ourselves. It is all accomplished. That is the Christ Light, the Christ Principle. This eliminates the theory that it is necessary to do any specific work on the glands, on the body centers, upon the body itself, or to treat disease, as you state it. The physical will fall into line as soon as we realize that fundamental Unity."

This is Christian Science. It is Jesus of Nazareth. It is A Course in Miracles.

I love it. I have no need to prove it. I know it's true, and so do you. There is no need for remedy. Truth is true and nothing else is true. You are the Ray of Light, the Christ, the Holy Son of God. Maybe you just need a reminder. I do.

Well, just let it sink in. There is nothing you need do, there is nothing to fear. Breathe, release your thoughts of illness, death, pain, suffering, and conflict. You are the Answer, you are the Ray of Light. It is so simple. But you must apply it. Let me know how it's going...I love you!


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