This is a tough teaching. I have to admit that to let go of all my ideas of what I think will complete myself is a major challenge. There are no degrees to this. I have to accept it as a total solution or it is nothing.
The human mind is always limited in its perception. Yet I have to look at this idea...can the limitless be limited? Can my idea of lack be fulfilled? The problem is the limited thought itself. I have to be undone in the very first thought I had about myself in separation. The idea that I am lacking something is the problem.
Jesus turned stones into bread by knowing that the bread was already given. A need is already met. He just gave thanks for it and it appeared before him. Cause and effect are not apart. They are ONE.
This is from Chapter 30, The New Beginning, Beyond All Idols:
Decide for idols and you ask for loss. Decide for truth and everything is yours. It is not form you seek. What form can be a substitute for God the Father's Love? What form can take the place of all the love in the Divinity of God the Son? What form can replace you? You as a complete idea in the Mind of God? Yet, here you seek for idols to do just that.
When you decide upon the form you want, you lose the understanding of its purpose. So you see your will within the idol, thus reducing it to a specific form. Yet this could never be your will, because what shares in all creation cannot be content with small ideas and little things.
See how total this is? It is about you, deciding to be who you are...who God created. Accept that and you are saved. It is just acceptance that allows you to remain as God created you since You are That now. You can be whole. Yet, to truly know it, on every level, physical, emotional, and mental, you must let go of your idols. I don't care what it is. I don't care about the form. Any idea, any substitute for God's Love is your idea that something outside of you will complete you. That is insanity on its most basic level.
Are you afraid to lose these little things you love and cherish? Be honest. If you think you need it, you are cherishing it and are lost already.
Let go of the form, let go of wanting the form to change. See beyond form. That is the great challenge. Because then, you would see its unreality and all your problems would simply vanish. You would see perfection all around you and you would be IT.
Guess what? YOU ARE. Why is this so difficult then? Because you deny it. You have all power and you put things in place of God all the time. You reject God and say, "I want it thus!" without even realizing it.
Behind the search for every idol lies the yearning for completion. Wholeness has no form because it is unlimited.
Yes! You want completion. That is what you seek. And seek you must. Because you are simply asking for what is your right. You do know of your perfection no matter how dim the possibility seems that you could be the light of the world. You are already this light, but you are looking at form and missing it. You see light or darkness.
This is the purpose of an idol; that you will not look beyond it, to ths source of the belief that you are incomplete.
You see, it's just a trick you are playing on yourself. You think you need something but you are already the THING YOU SEEK. It is YOU. You in the reality of love, of wholeness, of perfection.
I can see it now, but a few days ago, I was in a state of letting go and it was totally painful. The conversion of my limited mind is intense! Don't think it isn't so. In many moments of deep release, I am sometimes in so much pain it is astounding. My mind goes into ideas of how to relieve the away! Drink alcohol! Find another relationship! I am bereft of my own inner state of love and calm.
Then, I ask for help from a brother who is in this process and reach out. I am always assured that this is exactly where I need to be for a moment. Not to dwell on it, but to allow it to simply happen through me. I have to allow myself to become totally defenseless. I have to go through this without any hesitation.
It works. The next moment I am free and I can't remember what all that emotion was about. "I am never upset for the reason I think" becomes an experience.
It never is the idol that you want. But what you think it offers you, you want indeed and have the right to ask for. Nor could it be possible it be denied. Your will to be complete is but God's Will, and this is given you by being His. God knows not form.
God knows not form! He cannot answer you in terms that have no meaning. You see, the dream of form is the limitation itself, it is the idea that you are lacking something. What are you lacking? Everything!
This is a teaching of totality. You are nothing or everything. You are illusion, or truth itself. That is why books are not helpful unless they point to this experience of relinquishment. You have to do it to have it! Be it.
Thank you for your dedication to the truth of you.
Completion is the function of God's Son. He has no need to seek for it at all. Beyond all idols stands his holy will be but what he is. For more than whole is meaningless. Wholeness. Perfection. Glory. Grandeur. What God created. Not what you have made of him. You cannot change perfection, although you think you did.
It is simply a dream of lack, of suffering. It is not real, yet when you are in the throes of your inner conversion, you are in a release. Don't judge it, let it be whatever it is. Hate everyone, hate yourself totally and just let go. All this is being undone in these intense moments.
What is not whole cannot make whole. But what is really asked for cannot be denied. So, ask and the door is opened. Seek and you shall find. But be sure of what you seek. Anything less than perfection is asking for death, for hell. I know how hard this can be, but you have the courage to go through it. I know because I found it within myself. I am not different from you. I want truth, I want peace...I want to know myself as I truly am. I will not settle for anything less.
Thoughts seem to come and go. Yet all this means is that you are sometimes aware of them, and sometimes not.
The denial is just that, denying you the thoughts and feelings underneath all the pretense that you are JUST FINE. That you can solve your problem. An unremembered thought is born again to you when it returns to your awareness. Yet it did not die when you forgot it. It was always there, but you were unaware of it. You were simply unaware. Now you are becoming aware of every thought underneath the denial. This is what conversion is. Letting dark thoughts, thoughts of lack and pain come to the surface and allowing them to be released. No one can do it for you.
Yet the Thought God holds of you is perfectly unchanged by your forgetting.
I was recently told that I don't have to go through the emotions of this, I can just change my mind and it will all be undone. Theoretically, that is true. Jesus says in the Urtext, you will feel all this pain but THIS NEED NOT BE. I do understand that it is my own attachment to pain that is the problem. But I also know that personally, in my process, deep emotional release is included.
I have never been able to do it any other way. Yes, it gets easier, and things release a lot quicker, but I cannot deny my emotions. They are simply there underneath all the denial. They show me where I need to look. I allow them and go through them without defense and they release. I am free when I don't avoid any thought, any idea. I don't mean that I dwell on the pain, but I have to be willing to allow feelings to come and go. I am not afraid of my emotions. I don't know how to do this without emotion. To me, that is just more denial. This is a very personal experience and no one can tell you how it should be.
The Thoughts of God are far beyond all change, and shine forever. They wait for welcome and remembering. The Thought God holds of you is like a star, unchangeable in an eternal sky. So high in Heaven is it set that those outside of Heaven know not it is there. Yet still and white and lovely will it shine through all eternity. There was no time it was not there; no instant when its light grew dimmer or less perfect ever was. Who knows the Father knows this light, for He is the eternal sky that holds it safe, forever lifted up and anchored sure. Its perfect purity does not depend on whether it is seen on earth or not. The sky embraces it and softly holds it in its perfect place, which is as far from earth as earth from Heaven. It is not the distance nor the time that keeps this star invisible to earth. But those who seek for idols cannot know the star is there.
Thank you for all your light and recognition that you want this. For this you came. To accept within you the way out of hell and to be released into your divine perfection that is all around you is no little dream. It is magnificent. Thank you.
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