Sunday, January 4, 2009

All Time is Going On NOW

It is an amazing idea that time is not sequential and all time is going on all the time. Think about it. Didn't it take you years to learn to tell time? Didn't you find it difficult to imagine time going in one direction? Wasn't it strange that people kept asking "what time is it?" As a child, you had no concept of time. NOW was the only time. You had to be conditioned to learn ideas about time.

You are learning that to get back to that childlike innocence, you have to let go of the idea of sequential time. You read books like "The Power of Now" and you feel something within you get excited. You have a chance at a real experience beyond time. Beyond your tiny little existence on this planet in a body. You have a shot at a new beginning, an awakening to what is real.

If you can entertain the idea that all time is going on right now, all time lines you can imagine are happening simultaneously, you are beginning to feel the reality of life being beyond memory. Your constructs of this tiny existence are all based upon your coming here, being a body, becoming totally conditioned by human ideas, and then finally terminating yourself. If that still seems reasonable to you, great. But to me it made no sense.

I could not imagine why I would have to die if God is Love, if Love is eternal and I am what Love is. God creates eternally, right? God doesn't how can I die? I am created in His image! I am not a body. I am free.

My mind is all powerful, because it is the Mind of God. It isn't limited at all by my insane ideas of being a body on planet earth. It is infinite and beautiful. I am as God created me. I am perfect and whole. Everything He creates is perfect. My only function is to accept this and I am free. And I free you along with me because you are an idea. I think about you, and I get ecstatic knowing I am no different from you. I am whole, and therefore every thought I have is whole.

I cannot separate myself from my thoughts. They are in my Mind. My mind is all powerful, it is totally creative. The only problem I ever have is I forgot this was true. I thought I could make up ideas and they would be true. But I couldn't establish truth. Truth is already true. Death, or termination is not true. I couldn't make it true. It is a big lie. Just like time. Time has no end, therefore, there is no time.

Eternal life is eternal. You cannot die. You cannot exist as a body in time. It is totally impossible. But the problem you have is that you think you are a body and you have to exist separate from everyone and everything. Until what? Until you die.

Not true. You are making this up to keep yourself from the eternal love of God and your reality. It is time to stop this silly insane game you are playing with yourself. Wake up to reality, love is real! It is eternal and therefore, so are you! How do I know this?

I was taken out and given a new reference. I experienced myself as a whole, loving being of light and love. And I came back in to share it with you. I cannot be this body in time and space. It is impossible.

My mind is free, because I cannot go back into a world of separation knowing what I know. It is not possible. So, I have no choice but to experience love and extend that love continually. A continuity of eternal love. My mind extends naturally into consciousness. Actually, my mind is what the consciousness is. It is all inclusive. So, my reality is your reality. And you cannot continue to deny it much longer. We are One.

When things around you seem to be getting darker and you can't make sense of your existence, this is a very good sign. It is the beginning of your awakening. You are beginning to question the idea of your existence on planet earth. You are beginning to question how life can end. How could God, who is all powerful could possibly create a world of pain, sickness and death?

Good. It is a very good sign. Your time is up. You are beginning to have a dramatic shift in your perception of everyone and everything. And You will discover that you are eternal. It is inevitable. Your life is totally meaningful once you awaken. Until then, it is totally meaningless. Your mind determines what is meaningful to you. But you cannot establish meaning, really. God is meaning, He has already established it. And you are a whole part of His mind.

I love you.


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