Saturday, December 13, 2008

The End of Sacrifice

The Course claims that Christmas is the end of sacrifice. Isn't that amazing? The idea of sacrifice is such in innate part of the ego's curriculum, that it is hard to imagine it isn't real. I grew up Catholic, and the ideas of sacrifice were such a huge part of this religion, that I have spent years looking at these ideas and surrendering them to the Holy Spirit. Is it really possible to live and not to feel that sacrifice is asked of me?

Sacrifice comes from an idea that you are not whole and that you have to give up something to be whole. Isn't it strange, that an all loving, all-encompassing, omniscient, complete and divine God has to ask something of you? Why? Isn't He complete? Then He doesn't need me to do anything at all. So then the question arises, so if God is complete and whole, what am I?

I must be part of Him. If He created me, I must be in His Mind. If so, then there is no separation from Him at all. There never was, I was just making it all up.

The fundamental teaching is very simple. God is real. God is Love. God extended His Mind and had a beautiful, whole, complete and glorious idea...and that was you.

You forgot for a moment and thought you had usurped the power of God and made up a small, tiny you that inhabits a physical form and feels trapped in it. This is the ultimate sacrifice... you already did it to yourself.

So, this Christmas think about that a while. The only thing God wants of you is that you become yourself again. That you experience yourself as His loving Son who knows no fear, no anxiety, no cares, no worries and are completely safe. God loves you and knows you perfectly well. There is no need for concern about anyone or anything. You are in the Heaven where His love resides. Heaven is all around you and you are IT.

This is a wake up call. It is time to awaken to the truth about you. You did not really do anything at all in your dream of separation from God. You only thought you did. Now it is time to accept that fact.

God is real. You are a real thought in His Mind. Your little life on earth is not your reality. You are simply dreaming of exile and it is time to come on home. Wake up to reality.

Come fly with me! Life is not existence on planet earth where you suffer and die. That is you in sacrifice and this Christmas, let's celebrate the end of that silly idea.


I love you! Merry Christmas!


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Coming Into the Light

Everywhere I look I read about the idea that there is only One Mind. This idea stems from the fact of singularity, or One Creator. I love it. I don't know if this means anything to a human, split mind, but when you accept total responsibility for every thought you think, every experience you have, suddenly it begins to dawn on you that you are all there is. Your perspective from objectivity is that there are separate bodies, separate people in the world all acting separately. Until you accept that you are the one projecting all this imagery out from the visual cortex of the back of your brain, you do believe you are seeing multiple people and places.

To find that you are the dreamer, you alone are dreaming this world and all your experiences are the result of your dreaming a separate dream, is a big shock. It rarely happens without some sort of breakdown or realization or disaster within your life that brings you into the admission that you have no idea what is going on.

Your attempts at solving the problem of separation finally bring you into an awareness that life in this state is totally chaotic, because you actually have no control over the dream and what the figures in your dream do. They are all self-contained, as are you. Loss, death, illness, pain all enter into it and seem to be your reality.

For me, I finally saw that even with all my losses and successes as a self-identity on planet earth, I was still separate! This idea was excruciating to me. I begged for help. I asked my savior to please help me! And the immediate response was loud and clear. "Follow instructions." I listened, I got really quiet and I began to hear chanting in my mind so loud and clear it was unmistakable. I went to an Ashram for 11 days and released so much pain, guilt and loss, that I was finally released.

After that, my experiences deepened. My life changed dramatically. I was given a video of the Master Teacher a month or two later. I felt him take me into a state of mind that was completely not here. I found myself in a lot of light energy and my body seemed to be unable to resist any of it. I was taken out of this realm entirely for a long period of time.

This single experience showed me that all that all my petty ideas of what thought I was were completely wrong, and that my life indeed did have a purpose. I am here to bring in lots of light and heal and forgive. I am, indeed the light of the world.

Jesus has always been with me since I was a little child. I had no fear of him and felt as a child that he helped me a lot. Light experiences used to infuse me with his love and I felt so happy just being alone and quiet in my room.

So, as an adult, my whole purpose has been to follow in his direction, to be led into a new realm, into the light that is our reality. This is now all I want and whenever I feel disheartened or confused, I remember that the light is the healing agency. And I am that light. You are that light.

You can erase all memories of pain, loss, conflict and death. These are simply stories you have made up and have been living over and over again.

This premise is essential: you must accept that you are totally responsible for your dream...all of it. That way, you can truly find out that your purpose here is not of you, it comes from out of time, if you will. And your job is to simply accept this role, this responsibility. It really doesn't matter if you believe it or not. You don't have to, you simply are asked to apply the lessons. Apply healing love and forgiveness to every situation in which you find yourself. That way, you will soon discover that you are the light of the world.

I have been reading a book called Zero Limits by Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len. This is all about accepting total responsibility for everything you see or think. It is about healing the memories, cleaning or clearing them from your subconscious. I love it. I have been applying this to my life for 20 years now by way of the Workbook of A Course in Miracles. I love that this message is coming into fruition in lots of ways now and people are realizing how powerful it is.

The loveliness of this book and its message is really needed right now. I wonder if Dr. Hew Len has heard of A Course in Miracles, but it doesn't really matter. All I know is that as I apply the simple process he prescribes in this book: I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you!.

Do this and all your frustration and problems, which are just memories of loss, or lack, can be released instantly. You begin to feel that the source of you is Divine Love. There is nothing to fear because You are everything! You are the light of the world! You are healed and you can heal. This is the way out of the dream in its entirety.

It is such a simple message and application of the Course: I keep this on my desk at work: Ceeport. Clear, erase, erase, return to port. Port is zero point. Divine Love, in other words. I am currently selling vacation packages to people to give them a new experience of their lives where they actually get away and have some fun and take a break from their lives of working all the time. Amazing, 30% of Americans don't even take vacations. My sales started going up now that I am applying this. I constantly say to people, I love you, forgive me, I'm sorry, Thank you! Not out loud, but silently before I call them and after they hang up. I never get frustrated now when they don't buy, I just bless them. I feel great because I am just reminding myself of who I am. I am singular. There is nothing outside of me!

I only want to extend divine love to everyone and everything. It is the only thing worth valuing. Money, success, kids, all of it is great, but really, I just want to be free from the constraints of a physical existence on planet earth. I don't want anything from anyone, I just want to extend, to give, to let everyone know there is a God of love and you can just take a chance on LOVE. Not only that, but it is my only function here. I am here to be that light and to give and let go of my own silly ideas of death. Because, truly if you are as God created you, you cannot die.

No, you can't. Don't think you can, because you can't. My mother seemingly died three years ago, and I have been in more communication with her now than when she was in her body. I feel her around me and I talk to her all the time. This is real. We are not bodies!

The Master Teacher released his body in May of this year, and I feel him closer than ever before. Now, it is totally up to me to stay in communication with him and with Jesus and stay on track. I have to. This is my goal, my purpose and my life. Divine love is eternal and cannot die. That is a fact. You are coming into the light of realization that this is an illusion of death. You cannot die. The light of God's love shows up and dissolves your petty ideas of separation. It cannot not.

So, I really hope this helps. I just want you to know I love you and let me know how I can help!



Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How Simple the Solution

Well, I was reading this morning in The Master Teacher's talk called History is Only You, and it states here "The most valuable single thing that you can ever come to know in your awakening process is that you are causing what is occurring outside you..not a little bit of it, but all of it.

...You actually think that things that are occurring outside of you are beyond your own control. If that is true, there is indeed no God, and there could never be.

You have forgotten that you are dreaming this and it has absolutely no reality. And that's difficult for you to look at. So what do you do? You hold inside of you all of these incredible notions and emotions and manifestations of illusions and consciousnesses and hates and loves and fears and guilt. And you tie it all up down inside of you because literally that is what your constitution is: limited selfness. Who is the anti-Christ? Who but you? You , standing separate from the totality of your absolute truthfulness in consciousness."

Wow. So, that's a very fundamental idea. That you are the cause of the entire problem. And you are therefore, also the solution. But you have to have the experience of this, not just entertain the ideas and think about them as an intellectual exercise of some sort.

Ego mind is you. You as the cause of all the suffering and pain and death on the earth. You must surrender this now. Because it is only getting worse. You must undergo your black hole experience. Know that you cannot possibly find the solution outside of you, because you are causing all the problems of the world. No one will listen to you, no one wants to know that they are the cause, yet, until you accept it, you are just a victim. You are actually nothing.

You really think that you can communicate with human beings. Everyone is in his own bubble of associated thoughts about himself. You cannot know what to say to him. He is a projected image of your own mind. Can you stand it? Can you work out this problem and solve it yourself? Go ahead and try.

I promise you this is a dream and you are the dreamer. It is time to wake up to the simple fact that all your fears, all your death ideas are in you alone. No one else is causing you to think this way.

I was worrying the other day about money and a voice said to me, "Stop this now. You are misusing your mind." It was a very important thing. Because I do worry out of habit. I think I have a problem, and boom...there I go worrying again. But the worry is intolerable. Finally, I hate it. I cannot stand to be fearful. It feels horrible. I am totally denying God when I am in fear. There is no God when I am afraid. I have just denied him and denied my own reality in that moment. Fear is insidious, but I have to stop giving into fear thoughts. My mind is all powerful, whatever I think extends. So, if I give up fear, immediately, I find myself happy again.

The voice was reminding me that I have already awakened. I don't have to worry about anything any more. I will be told exactly what to do and when, what to say to someone, what to do in every circumstance.

I just love being free to think a different way. To let go of fear, and come into the certainty that I am as God created me. I am not a body. I am free. I do not have to be in this world at all.

I teleport all the time. My mind is free and I have no limits.

If this happened to me it is happening to you. Because you are a thought in my mind. Jesus resurrected and solved the whole thing for us. My resurrrection is yours. Just accept it and you will find yourself happy beyond belief.

Happiness is your natural state of mind. You do not have to worry about anything ever! You are not limited to this body, to this physical idea of you as a separate thing. You are MIND. And MIND is total, whole and unlimited.

God is the Mind with which I think.

Be happy and free and know you are perfect as God created you!

Love and blessings!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Attack Thoughts

This is from Workbook Lesson 26, one of my favorites: "The idea for today introduces the thought that you always attack yourself first. If attack thoughts must entail the belief that you are vulnerable, their effect is to weaken you in your own eyes. Thus they have attacked your perception of yourself. And because you believe in them, you can no longer believe in yourself. A false image of yourself has come to take the place of what you are."

If you accepted this idea, that you always attack yourself first, and this results in your misperception of yourself, and therefore, of everyone and would simply choose to stop. Why weaken yourself? Don't you want to be free? Unlimited, fearless and happy?

In other words, whenever you experience conflictual thoughts in your mind, thoughts of judgment, fear, anger, doubt, envy, lack, worry, name feel the pain of these thoughts immediately. All these thoughts are manufactured by you and you have done this to your beautiful self. Can you stop?

The answer is YES! But you must become wholly aware that your attack thoughts are not coming from outside of your mind. When you accept singularity, or the idea that you are totally responsible for your thoughts, you will become more aware and more willing to release these conflictual thoughts.

Here's more from this very important lesson: "Practice with today's idea will help you to understand that vulnerability or invulnerability is the result of your own thoughts. Nothing except your thoughts can hurt you."

Wow, that's a statement. Because you always think that someone else is doing it to you...I know you do, because I did, and I had to get really sick and tired of my attack thoughts. The idea that I can be attacked is the most ridiculous thought of all. I am the Holy Son of God Himself. So, nothing can really affect me, except my own thoughts about myself. If I am judging, I am judged. If I am afraid, I feel that fear within me. This is a dream of fear, and all the effects of fear are actually gone. But, I maintain them in my mind if I choose. So, I can simply choose to let them go.

This does take practice, however. So, I have to stop attacking myself with my thoughts. And let God be God and release me from this dream of attack. The lesson continues..."I am concerned about _____________. I am afraid __________ will happen."

Then you have to fill in these blanks by searching your mind. You will be amazed at how many fear thoughts are in your mind. The release comes when you apply this statement to them:

"That thought is an attack upon myself."

Wow. That's it. But do it. And do it all day long, whenever you are not wholly joyous and at peace.

Be very specific with this and write it out if you want to. It is always good to see what you are thinking on paper.

Fear is very devious and it is in the background of your mind most of the time. So, this lesson is really helpful in uncovering those specific thoughts and releasing these attacks upon yourself.

OK? Let me know how this goes for you.

Love and blessings,


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Letter From Greece

Sep 16, 12:01PM

Hello Monica,

The reason you haven't heard from me for so long, is not that I do not have any questions any more or that I don't need help.

It's because whenever a question pops up into my mind, the answer comes with it, as well. I also know that all the help I need is within me..

I know that God goes with me wherever I go, and I am never left alone..

But there still is one thing that has not improved with my mind...this traffic jam of thoughts!! I mean during my practice periods,

This "In quiet I receive God's Word", I have not experienced yet! I keep asking the angels to guard my mind, I visualize them as traffic policemen sending the uninvited thoughts out, but the traffic jam keeps holding on....

The other thing I do is to repeat the day's lesson like a mantra, in order to at least substitute the other thoughts with this.. But is this what I am asked to do?

Anyway, I forgive myself and go on...I am sure that there must be other people like me.

If you think that it will be helpful, you can post my message and your answer in your blog.

Blessings from Greece,


Here's my response:
Dear Christina:

This is not a practice of mantra where you just repeat an idea over and over again and never let it actually mean anything to you. It is better to follow the exact instructions in the lesson itself. Jesus, the author of the Course, knows how undisciplined your mind is. So each lesson has a specific instruction within it. Yes, you apply it all day long to the situations in which you find yourself. However, don't let it be simply a repetition. It has to be an activation. You must actively start denying the fear within your mind. Your mind has all power, this is a way to start to think entirely differently. It is a mind training. It is an experience of the release of your fear. It is a release of your self-identity.

I would suggest to all Course in Miracles students to get copies of the Master Teacher's videos. He will provide the light reference you will need in order to get out of the habitual fearful mindset that you have been in for a very long time. It doesn't take a long time to practice and apply these lessons. But you need the help of an awakened Master to reach full enlightenment. This means that you will discover yourself. You will feel totally different. All your meaningless petty worries will disappear and you will find yourself in a lot of light!

This is what happened to me after just one video. I felt my whole being leave this time/space reference and I was totally free. Then after several hours, I came back in and felt totally changed. This was a real experience, something I couldn't figure out or try to work on. It happened to me because I was completely open to it. I wanted a way out. I was asking for it and so it was given me. It wasn't fearful at all, but I didn't resist it. I was sure I wanted to know who I really am.

So, contact the link I have listed on the right side panel that says For Materials and More to get the videos, or you can also watch them online at

OK? Let me know how it's going and thank you for the letter, Christina!


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Illuminate Minds Unite!

I am constantly faced with opinions. Opinions of what is going on here,ideas that make no real sense. Actually, all your opinions are just ideas of preferences and things you like as opposed to things you don't like. Comparisons, really.

All comparison is simply a game you play with perception. You are the perceiver, the one doing the seeing of the things apparently outside you. Yet, you are not accepting total responsibility for the seeing. If you were, you would choose only to release it in every moment. You would not hang onto your own perception for a second, because you would realize it cannot but be false. You would see that all perception is what the falsity is and you, the one doing it then, must be false. You as a separate entity, are false. Period.

Wow. So, then all my ideas about myself, all my associated ideas, which is what karma is, are false. So I don't have to give them any meaning any more. Just release them. Let go of the ideas I made up. Lesson 132, I loose the world from all I thought it was, reveals the idea that your beliefs make up the world you see. You can be free of them, by simply deciding you don't like what you've made up. You don't want it any more. And you would be in Heaven instantly.

Is it that simple? Truth is true and nothing else is true. That is simple. Love is simple because it is simply Itself. I really love the idea that I have nothing to say about truth. That truth doesn't need my opinion to be true. In fact, my opinion is meaningless, because only my acceptance of truth is required.

I need do nothing. I need only accept that fact that I am whole and perfect as God created me.

I cannot do this without help because apparently I put myself asleep by having one crazy idea that I could be separate from God. All doubt is doubt about myself. yet what I am doubting is that God is love and that I am what love is because I am an idea in His Mind. All ideas of lack are ideas that I am separate from God. None of which is true.

I am whole and perfect as God created me. Does the world want to know this? I made up the world to protect my denial of the truth. I wanted to deny it, and I did. Then, by experiencing the intense pain of this denial, I really got tired of the game I was playing with myself. I wanted desperately to know what was true, what was really going on and how to get out of this mess. Actually, I don't know anything about anyone else. There really isn't a world outside my mind. So I don't need to be concerned with it. Yet, I do want to extend the light of my mind so that anyone looking for the answer will find it.

I want to be happy, but I can't be happy till I make you happy too! Its a great song. I love you. I love my brother for helping me all along the way, for being my savior. For the Master Teacher, for every brother who cried out for help. And received the help that was given.

The documentary, "A Course in Miracles Unleashed" shows that everyone who sincerely wants out of the darkness, will find their way. We all got tired of being miserable and in pain, we all asked for help, we all received the Course, and we all left! Wow. So, now I am in an experience of leaving constantly. I come into time and space for a brief moment to convert the darkness to light and then leave. That is all I am doing here. I am so grateful that this is now only that. There is really nothing outside me that I need to be concerned about.

A converter is someone who has accepted Atonement for himself. Simple and true. Thank you for your dedication to the light and love of your true Self. You are what love is. You are what peace is. Peace comes into your mind when you have given up the idea of conflict. Forever.

Thank you, and I really hope this helps you in your transformation from a separate little self to the glorious reflection of love that you are. You are an idea in the Mind of God. Wow! Have a great day!


Friday, August 29, 2008

What is Karma?

What is karma? Your associate thoughts about yourself in time. I was reading in the Master Teacher's book, How Simple the Solution, and I loved this idea. How is your karma undone? Listen.

"Where are you in the gathering of your own associate thoughts, karma is the Eastern term, with the capacity to see the Christ who is obviously all about you? Am I, in that sense, a representation of that? Yes! Since perceptutal mind is representational, you are using me as a representation of what you think the possibility of a Christ might be. And that's okay. You will discover if you are with me, that my absolute justice and honesty consist of constancy. All the consciousnesses who have come to me in love have discovered the hard work and difficulty of dealing with a constant mind. I said this to you yesterday, that while I appear not to discipline, nothing could ever be more disciplined or difficult or simple, finally, than the no-alternative presentation that emanates from light to darkness...okay?

I think there is an idea that people who seek illumination or samadhi or enlightenment, that as that progresses on the path, they become more blissful and more happy. Those of you who have entertained that idea have come to discover that the process of enlightenment involves facing, each moment, the conflict between time and eternity. That's the Workbook of the Course, that's what we teach."

Well, that explains why the process of illumination is work. It takes great discipline, great constancy and devotion to the work. I have recently decided to do Hatha Yoga each morning, and this practice has become a really important part of my awakening right now. I am in a dedication. I feel myself challenged by it and I love it. That is what I live for...meeting the challenge of the awakening of my mind. It isn't easy. It's work! But it's work that pays off instantly! Ifeel myself changing, my cells vibrating with light after each session and all day long. I feel good!

I find myself able to do more than I could have imagined. I can actually do all those postures! I never thought I would be able to. Just as with the mind training, I never thought I would be totally free from judgment...I just thought it would take lifetimes. But, not so. I proved it to myself that this Workbook really does work. All you have to do is do it. Apply it and you literally change yourself entirely and everything around you is affected. It works, if you work it.

So, as with all spiritual or material endeavors, if you set the goal, you will reach it. Why? Because you have all power. It doesn't always get easier...there are times when it is really difficult. That is how you know you are doing it, you are in the process of learning the release mechanism. Use it! Become defenseless within your mind. Open up! Let in the light and let it free you. This has to become your way of relating to this world you made up. Once you have mastered yourself, have mastered your reaction to everything that comes your are free.

This is your chosen path home. Be about it! I love you and want only to help speed you up in your process!

Love and blessings!


Friday, August 15, 2008

What Does it Mean to Be in the Now?

While reading The Power of Now, I keep asking myself, what is the ultimate goal of this book? I am always asking myself...what is it for? That is the question that I must ask myself lately. What is it for? If it meets the goal I have set for myself, it will serve my purpose, and help me in my spiritual healing and growth. But, if not, I simply don't have to do it.

That is exercising power of mind. My peace of mind is everything to me. I don't want conflict in my awareness any longer. But to truly have a consistent experience of peace, which is my goal, I have to be willing to look at the thoughts in my mind and let them go. Spiritual transformation does not mean that I will never have a conflictual thought, it just means I will have none that I would keep. I am in a transformation now. I don't want anxiety to rule my mind and I do want to be healed. My spiritual healing involves arriving in the NOW moment where I can feel the stillness underlying all action.

How did I get here? I had to apply the lessons of A Course in Miracles and I had help from the Master Teacher. I also needed all my brothers who are in this process with me. I left the earth at one point and saw my mind was free and that I was not a body. Then, when I came back, I realized there is still work to be done. I am in service to the spiritual transformation of my mind. Is this mind your mind? Yes! We are not separate, so my mind is a healing mind. So is yours. It has to be.

Prayer, stillness, mental peace is all a part of it. The great global awakening is occurring whether you are aware of it or not. All forms of personal development are healing the suffering and depression of the human mind. And there is a point you reach where you go beyond human mind thinking. You go beyond your personal reference. You go beyond the idea of death. This is where you become illuminate. You have no cares for yourself individually. You simply want to help. You are aware that you are dreaming and you are now free of the concerns for your body. But you are also aware that you are here to serve, to give, and to love.

It becomes an all inclusive thing. Spiritual life is singular, my life is your life. I know you perfectly well. The movie, A Course in Miracles Unleashed shows that the joining of the mind is everything. The inner transformation is inevitable and it really works. This powerful documentary shows that this great awakening is happening to people everywhere because it is time. It is time to let go of human suffering and pain and to let your ideas of death be released. It is time for the second coming. Which is simply you, coming home to your Self.

Every person on the movie stated virtually the same thing...I was in pain, I got sick and tired of the pain, I asked for help. I couldn't stand it any more. I got on my knees and I prayed. I let go of my ideas, a miracle occurred and I was freed of my problem. I was relieved of my suffering and I changed. Fundamentally changed. I resurrected and now I am free to live in the grace of God. I am free to be my SELF.

As an awakened mind, I see what is true and I am not fooled by appearances any more. I may not have money, or possessions and that is great. I welcome the change. It is now up to me to let go of the idea I need these things and stop clinging to them. I can let them go and be free to be myself no matter what appears to be happening to me.

Letting go of the physical attachment to these things isn't hard because, really, they are just IDEAS. Just ideas! The cells in my body are all light! I don't have to worry about whether I will have life insurance! I have total life assurance, because I AM LIFE ITSELF!

It is a quantum leap from egoic thinking, from bodily concerns to be illuminate and free. To know that no matter what, I actually already resurrected from this place of death. Jesus showed me the way and I left too. It is already over. Time is not sequential.

Mental peace is it. A certainty that in the NOW, I am myself. I am free of anxiety and pain. I am no longer afraid...of death, of my brother, or of anything! Lack is impossible. I am the fullness of creation!

I am happy knowing I am with God. So, I pray constantly because the mind is joined to the Creator and thinks the same thoughts. This is peace. This is inner peace. This is my goal. I don't even care how I got here. I just know it was a miracle.

What will it take for you to experience it? I don't know. It is beyond reading a book about someone else's experience. It is beyond reading a blog. You have to want it above all else. Do you want to be a part of this great awakening? It is exciting. It has never been done before. You are here to transform yourself back to your original state of mind...heaven, if you will. Peace, knowing who you are and who your brother is, is the goal.

Being in the now is only about happiness and freedom from concern. Your personal growth is more about undoing, rather than becoming something, enlightenment is but a recognition that you do not have the power to change what God created. Thank God! All your errors of thought made up your story of separation. But you could not make them real.

You are awakening from the dream. You are now coming out of death, suffering, and human ego thinking. You are now in a constant release of the fear that caused it. Thank you God. Peace is worth it. Knowing I live with God, with the energy of love in my mind always, even when I am distracted for a moment. I know that constant prayer works. Because it aligns me with the Creator, with God, my Father, who loves me.

I love you with all my heart. Let me know how I can help.

Oh, yeah. To view information about the movie, go to See you there!

Love and blessings!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Power of Now

This excerpt is from Eckhart Tolle in The Power of Now:

In the timeless realm, where God dwells, which is also your home, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, are one, and the essence of everything that ever has been and ever will be is eternally present in an unmanifested state of oneness and perfection—totally beyond anything the human mind can ever imagine or comprehend. In our world of seemingly separate forms, however, timeless perfection is an inconceivable concept. Here even consciousness, which is the light emanating from the eternal Source, seems to be subject to a process of development, but this is due to our limited perception. It is not so in absolute terms.

I love the expressions that Eckhart Tolle uses in his book. I see it as a kind of primer for those who truly want to awaken and begin a process of transformation. It is totally useful in this regard, it is confrontational and informative and those who read it and practice it will surely benefit from it.

Yet, to really embark upon a transformation of the mind, your mind requires a mind training, because as Tolle aptly states, your problem is your mind. And because your mind is the problem, the solution has to come from a relinquishment of the ego mind. How does one do that? This is how. Just do as you are lesson at a time.

As A Course in Miracles states, “an untrained mind can accomplish nothing”. As I undergo a process of transformation by a constant relinquishing of my ideas, my separate thoughts of suffering, pain and death, I am aware of just how much focus and attention my mind required in order to become free. It is no small thing.

The mind is very devious and will convince you that you do not need to train your mind, or do the 12 Steps or really apply the teaching to every thought you think.
Yet, I am not willing to remain a prisoner of my mind. I simply I want to be free above all else. I know how tricky your ego mind is, how it thinks along these lines yet all the while maintaining its separate ideas. How it entertains spiritual ideas, yet never really embraces and applies the true teachings.

I see it all the time. I see it in myself when I judge my brother. I see it in my fears that cause all my unhappiness that I must uncover and reveal to the Holy Spirit. This is an undertaking that requires an initiation, a relinquishment and a constant attention to the light that lies beyond all form, and all of time and space. It is not easy. But you become free when you do it. When you apply it each and every moment that you are not happy.

Is it possible to live in joy all the time? Oh yes, absolutely! So, in this sense, you have nothing to worry about. Your awakening is inevitable. The Power of Now is helpful and the mind training of A Course in Miracles works totally because it is a required course. The documentary about to be released called A Course in Miracles Unleashed is a testament to the awakening of the mind using the lessons of the Workbook of the Course. It is such a beautiful testimony to the power of this course and how it changes you, how the calling is going out to those who are messengers, teachers of the universal course. It is time to awaken, to bring others to the point of making the one decision that determines all others.

So, you have all the help you need. But, you still have to do it. You have to apply it to your everyday life and your thoughts about yourself. And you need total help from awakened minds. I needed the Master Teacher and I needed every brother who supported me along the way. That is absolutely clear to me. I couldn’t wake myself up. I needed help. Luckily, I received this help right when I needed it.

And so are you. If you are reading this blog and are reading the Course, it isn't enough to just read it. You have to live it, breathe it, become it...until the ideas are the very thoughts you think all the time. You live in a reality of love and the awareness that all that truly exists is light and love. Is that really possible...YES!

It takes everything, your constant devotion to your awakening, your constant dedication to relinquish judgment. And the willingness to be wrong. You must let go of thinking you already have it, and you will be given so much more. I promise you, the adventure of your life is just beginning. You have to want it to expand, to grow, to take you beyond the point where you are right now.

Love and blessings,


Friday, August 1, 2008

I am Surrounded by the Love of God

This is from "How Simple the Solution" a book that contains some of the Master Teacher's talks. It is an amazing book and I highly recommend getting your copy as it continually helps me. Here it is:

The basis of the teachings of subjective reality indicate to you that this is your world. No matter how tempted you are to think that there's something outside of your dream about it, there isn't. You are the cause of this. This will give you a real good feeling if you are ready to look at it. The first feeling you will have when you look at this is kind of fearful. You will go "Holy mackerel? You mean this is between me and the rest of the universe?" Yes! It has nothing to do with the images you have constructed to hold mutual grievances outside of you--that is to commiserate with your own death process. No! Now, you will like that. Why? Because it's individual transformation, and indeed the transformation is individual and singular.

Now we are into teaching initiation. We want to show you that you can actually go through a process in your own mind where you change the world. This is the declaration of Master Jesus that you are the savior of the world. But why should that be such a big deal if you constructed the world? ...Remember that thw world was constructed outside the framework of reality. And your relinquishment of it, then, is a necessary part.

OK. Now, how do you do that? By a constant surrendering of your ideas of separation, limitation, lack, littleness, pain, suffering, illness, and, finally death. Or, better yet. Look at the idea of death first and it will speed up your process for you immeasurably.

It is all based upon the premise that you are not a body. Because if you are not a body, you obviously cannot die, since it is only bodies that appear to die. If you can accept the fact that you are light, and that light is energy and has no end, you will proceed very rapidly. But, you have to be willing to give up every idea of a body. All associated ideas with a body are false. All ideas of having to be here and suffer and survive and live in this dream until death happens to you, must be relinquished by YOU. Because you made them up. If you can accept this fundamental fact, your process will be very rapid. That is my goal, just to help speed up your process.

OK? Not that hard? No. It doesn't take time for truth to be true. What takes time is your insistence that it take time. And your ideas about time are also false because time is a trick. All time is going on all the time. It is not sequential. You see how deluded you have made yourself? Not only do you think you are a body, but you also think you are in time. And that time is linear. Not true.

Think of vertical time, instead of horizontal time. Perhaps that will help you. All time lines are going on at the same time. That is why you can time travel if you want. It isn't hard, you just have to want to. But, still what is the point of time travel if it is always over? The time you woke up from the dream has truly already occurred. You are just remembering it now. You are looking back on it, and going through the motions, and in any given moment, you will suddenly, it was just a dream!!!

You see, it isn't real, this earth. You have to be willing to look at the possibility that you, like Jesus, resurrected from this earth and left. When did it happen? You tell me! It's entirely up to you. There is no power outside yourself that is stopping you.

I am totally amazed at the idea of victim or helplessness. You are a being of immense light energy. You can do anything in the universe. You are totally creative because you are Mind. And yet, you insist on telling a story of you being a body, a victim of circumstance. How ridiculous! Look at you. Close your eyes and feel the light energy that is YOU and that you radiate out from you.

It is incredible. Let it in. You are an amazing light! Feel it, talk to it, be in communication with it.

The only thing stopping you from this communication is you. You can decide not to be in communication with yourself, with God, with the universe. But you have already experienced the result of it...pain, loss, death. Is it any fun?

Come on. You know it isn't fun. God is telling you of your immensity, your grandeur, your perfection. Don't you want to know that? I hope so!

Let me know if I can help in any way. I just know that victims really are control freaks. They are trying to get everyone around them to feel sorry for them. I was big victim for a while. Then I got sick and tired of the game I was playing. I got really fed up with it. Finally, I died. I just let go of it all. And I woke up.

My victim story wasn't even true. It all turned out perfect. I am free now. My whole story ended in my resurrection. Wow. What a surprise. Everyone I see or think of is now set free. They were always free. I just didn't see them because I wasn't free. Now I see what is true. Freedom is total. When you are free, everything radiates love.

I am amazed at this. I am constantly amazed at how simple salvation truly is. Love is everywhere in everyone and there is no time or place where it isn't. Love is real. Nothing else is real. Only love....all you need is love. This is a true Christian teaching. Love your enemy and you will see it was only you. You made up your dream of suffering and you can let it end now!!!!

What in hell are you waiting for?


Sunday, July 6, 2008

What is Illumination?

Since the passing of the body of the Master Teacher, I have been in a state of mind that is totally new. I cannot describe it. I know it isn't really different from before, but just more exponential in its power. I asked to be shown why this is.

The answer came from the Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. Here it is:

"When we go back to the center of anything, it is pure light and this is the inner light of which Jesus spoke. It is the light of Illumination. The greater man's spiritual awakening, the greater the light. Have you not noticed that one awakened in joy has a radiance about his countenance? When one is spiritually awake, the light is correspondingly bright. That is why artists paint Jesus with a halo of light about him. Light is life. This is the "light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world" and it is the fire through which the initiates of the occult schools had to walk in order to be eligible to illumination. This light is all about us and is an emanation of the Pranic ethers. It is the light which is the beginning and the end of creation. When you can live in the light, as you now live in your sense of body, you will be immortal for the light never dies...

The transfiguration of Christ was when the consciousness of Jesus was merged into the realization that Intelligence, Life, and Substance were in the last analysis ONE and that One was what he called the Father, or primal cause, like all the various colors of the spectrum returning to a pure ray of white light."

Well, I don't know if this helps you, but it sure does show me that there is nothing going on here in dark form. There is only light and that light is me and is everywhere. This is the same teaching that all Masters teach. It never varies because truth is true and nothing else is true.

You must go through your initiation to experience it, however. It is imperative that you train your mind and that you focus on your transformation whole heartedly. There is no room for deviation from the purpose. The mission to fulfill is your awakening. It has nothing to do with anyone else. NOTHING.

So, be about it. All the tools are here. All the light and support are here. It is up to you when you awaken, but you even already decided that. We are still in body to shorten your time, that is all. You do not need to linger in time any more. It is over. It is past. Everything you see here is of your own making and it does not exist.

Freedom means coming into the light of your endless joy and love of your brother who is your Self! It is what you already are, so it doesn't take time to experience it. It is simply is your inheritance.

But you must relinquish the material static noncreative world you made. You must let go of your desire for anything other than perfection and perfect love. Forgive your enemy...for it is YOU! There is nothing in opposition to you. You are simply denying your own happiness and freedom in every moment. Pain is a poor perspetive. Be free. Choose again. It is very simple, but you have to want it, apply it and experience it.

I love you!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008


This is a painting by a dear friend of mine in New York, Monica Serra. She is an awakened mind and I went to visit her last week after several years. She is amazing. Her transformation is in her paintings and she demonstrates the love of God so beautifully in her giving of herself to all her friends and family. She is incredible and I am so grateful to have her in my life!

A few days ago, we watched the Master Teacher's video from the Presidio, San Francisco from March of 1999. My friend Monica and I together met the Master at this Reunion of the Teachers of God. It was a moment in time I will never forget. I only know that the Plan is perfect in its timing and there is indeed nothing to fear. I only know that my part is essential and I can value it above all else.

I have lost my fear. I have lost my need to learn through pain. I have been blessed with friends that are deeply committed to this awakening. I know that I had only to make one decision to awaken and that was a real choice. Everything that happened to me after that came from this one decision which reflected a willingness to be healed, to be forgiven and to release my mind, my world that I made up to keep me in hell. As a separate mind, I don't know how to forgive, but I do know how to ask that Jesus show me how. And he did. He is with me. I talk to him all through the day. I know he totally loves me and wants only my perfect happiness. I have a real intimate relationship with him and he is my guide and savior.

I know that my initiation into this brotherhood of awakened minds has occurred. I constantly feel the assistance all around me, especially when conflict arises in my daily life. I know there is a Voice in my mind that is constantly speaking to me and helping to see everything totally new. If I accept that healing in every moment, I am free. I have to be vigilant for God.

Fear is just a poor perspective and doesn't exist. When you are fearful you don't exist. It's like your mind is just on hold when you are allowing fear to rule your life. Yet, to go past it, you must let it arise in your awareness. Don't reject it. Don't resist evil, don't resist fear. Let it come into your mind and ask for help from the Great Corrector. Your mind knows how to heal itself. That is why you never need be sick or in pain. The correction device is in you. In the Urantia Book, it is called the Thought Adjuster. Each of us has this Thought Adjuster in our mind and can access it at any time. This Adjuster works all the time to help in the release of the false self.

That is what the Kingdom of Heaven is, a kingdom of conscience, of being aware of the thoughts you are thinking and the willingness to have them be corrected. When I am in pain, I cannot wait to have the correction. I move through it very fast because the pain is intolerable to me.

Can you tolerate the judgments you make? Can you tolerate wanting to change external circumstances? Are you frustrated with your relationships because they don't really satisfy you? Remember, nothing can be changed outside of your mind. Your mind gives everything you see all the meaning it has for you. Therefore, seek not to change the world, but to simply change your own mind. This is the secret to salvation. It is so simple, yet you must do it. You must be about your Father's business. Mind is singular. You are not two selves in conflict. Life is eternal and you are that life. It never ends, therfore, there is nothing to fear. Death is impossible. God created you eternal, perfect and whole. Can you accept that?

I learned this in a very practical way from the 12 Step Program which does not give me one ounce of room for self-deception. I found that in doing the steps, my mind was healed and the revelation that I was the problem in every circumstance. Even when it really seemed like someone had done something to me. The steps show me in total clarity that behind every grievance is a bunch of fear. And this fear must be uncovered to be healed. Doing the steps is simply an exercise in looking at yourself, revealing the fears, letting be corrected and then, voila! You become a brand new YOU.

I cannot believe the light and love I experience each day from following this simple program. It is astounding. Everything has changed and I am free of all that fear I had covered up. I live in the NOW. The dream has taken on a new light of love and acceptance that I never knew possible. I am here only to truly serve and love and give and be happy!

Let me know if you need anything at all. I love you with all my heart. You are part of me and we are free!

Thank you!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Who walks with me?

As I read today's lesson, the question at the end suggests that we ask ourselves this a thousand times. A thousand times!

I ask it in the form of a song. I feel that this is a constant prayer. A repetition of a question that cannot be answered by words alone. The feeling I experience is assurance, calm, certainty. I can imagine that I am with all the ascended masters. Watched over. Taken care of like a newborn baby by its adoring mother.

All these feelings come into my awareness when I sincerely ask the question. Do I dare do so? I have nothing else that is more important to do. There isn't anything more important than an experience of total joining with my One Self. All worldly activities seem pale compared to this desire for knowledge, for the experience of wholeness.

It isn't hard. It is just that I have to value this above all other activities of this seemingly distracting world. I don't have to be distracted by it, however. No more. I simply have to give myself to the practice.

Stay alert. Keep my focus on the inner peace, the inner state of my mind. It isn't hard, it is just different.

Let me know how this goes for you.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Time of Transition

We are all feeling the insertion of an amazing light factor that is the Master Teacher out of body. He is everywhere. I am everywhere. I made my amends to my partner whom I love so much the day after this occurred, and I finally realized that I was only doing it all to myself. That I am what love is. I simply cannot believe the power behind this realization.

In doing this last forgiveness, I uncovered so much fear. Behind every grievance was a list of at least four or five fears, fear of loss, fear of no communication, fear of being alone, fear of nothingness, fear of not having my dream fulfilled!

I listed them all and they were 2 1/2 pages long. So, I asked Jesus, this is too much fear for me to deal with, what is it I am really afraid of now? He said, "Your perfection." So, I let go.

I went to see a Network chiropractor I used to go to in Brooklyn. He is an amazing healer and he helped me so much when I was going throught my initial transformation and having babies in New York. Amazingly, he now lives in Viroqua, a really nice little town not far from here. I was instructed to go by myself.

This was on Tuesday, the day Dear One left, and I gave him Dear One's video called "The Successful Transformation of the Human Being". He did a spinal adjustment on me and he found within my mental field a tiny voice that was behind this fear of perfection: It said "I am not enough." And it released and I suddenly realized, I am the light of the world. I can be this now because I am not afraid. I can be whole and perfect as God created me. No more doubts!

That night, I was driving through Reedsburg just around 8pm when Dear One made his final transition. In session the next day, I made my amends to my husband and the tears would not stop flowing.

We had a 12 Step meeting last night where I shared my story, and I am feeling so much love walking around in so much light now. I cannot believe it. I watch the Old Man's videos every night before I sleep and he is with me all night long. Lots of people are coming in to receive his light. He has fulfilled his assignment. Now I must fulfill mine.

It is so incredible. But it isn't really any different than when he was here. It is just up to us to fulfill our function now. There is so much gratitude! You can watch the latest videos on!

All for now,
Love and blessings!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Light and Love

I am astounded by the opening of my heart today. It is Mother's Day and a miracle happened for me. I was given a ticket to see an opera, Lucia di Lamamoor. It was incredibly wonderful. There is tremendous joy in trusting in God. I feel so much joy just by being myself and emjoying the love for myself and my Creator. The music was so beautiful, it included the most human dramas of special relationship. It reminded me of what I just released.

I only know that the light of my mind is becoming more expansive. I am open to receive finally. Letting in the light is loving myself totally and not blocking it with self doubt or fear. I have to relearn this natural receiving of the love of God.

It is always there, but I was blocking it with idols. I was looking outside myself for love. And it failed. Every time I tried, it failed. I suck at being human! All my relationships have failed.

I am so grateful. Now I realize it was always my Self I was seeking and I have found it.

This is all just a reminder to look within and find real happiness that is eternal. It never dies. Jesus is adamant about this. He is constantly, throughout the Course in Miracles, telling me to look within and I will see him. He is there. Unless I am afraid to look within, then I won't experience his love. But, if not...there he is. And he is me. This is eternal immortal love. It flows in and outside me. I have nothing to say about it. I just open up and receive it and it is healing every cell of my body. It is healing every thought in my mind.

I am not separate from that exquisite love that pours through me and out into the Universe. I am so happy this is true. I need do nothing. I am the love that I seek.

All I had to do was uncover the fears that were showing me that all my attempts at a special relationship were doomed to fail. Of course, because the special love relationship is a working out of vengeance on the past. So, in that sense, it never works out. It is always a huge disappointment. Why? Because THE PAST IS GONE. It doesn't make sense to try to solve it by another attempt at seeking outside for the love of God. It is time to put my toys away and stop the nonsense. I am what love is. I do not need to look outside for it. Period.

I've been reading The Song of Songs and Enlightenment by Dorothy Elder. I love it because it is showing me that to truly reach enlightenment, you have to let go of your ideas of what love is and what you are. You are in a mystical marriage of Creator and Son. This is singular. You are merging again with your Creator. You were asleep and now you waking up to the total experience of the divine love that is what you are! It is so exciting. I find myself in states of utter happiness and ecstasy.

Most of the time, I am just so grateful. I can only thank God that He has ceaselessly loved me since I was created. I can be grateful that I was willing to go through anything at all to have this happen to me. And that it is all a miracle.

I just found that in looking at my fear of being alone, I simply asked Jesus, okay, I see I am full of fear, but what am I really afraid of here? Do you know what he told me? I am afraid of my perfection.

Isn't that amazing? I am only afraid of myself. And guess what? I am my Self and it is Perfect. I have nothing to say about it. I have to be myself. That's it! How simple is salvation.


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This Need Not Be

This passage in Chapter Four of the Urtext is always helpful to me. I have to reprint it here because every word, if you let it sink into your mind, will heal you of all temptation to believe in your pain. You can apply it to someone or to yourself. It is the key to forgiveness. I like it because it doesn't give me any room for justification of my own insane judgments.

Here it is:

In every case you have thought wrongly about some Soul that God created, and are perceiving images your ego makes in a darkened glass. Think honestly what you have thought that God would NOT have thought, and what you have NOT thought that God would have you think. Search sincerely for what you have done and left undone accordingly. And then change your minds to THINK WITH GOD'S.

How do you change your mind? Just think a new thought. Oh, I am wrong here. I am in pain, so I must be wrong. Period. I want to know what is true about myself and my brother. It is a challenge, but it also is easier than you think.

This may seem hard to you, but it is MUCH easier than trying to think AGAINST it. Your mind IS one with God's. Denying this and thinking otherwise has held your ego together, but has literally split your mind. As a loving brother, I am deeply concerned with your minds, and urge you to follow my example as you look at yourselves and at each other and see in both the glorious Creations of a glorious Father.

I often wonder why the pain is so persistent. But it is just habitual. I actually am enjoying it. I need to decide I don't like what I feel, and make another choice. Here is how Jesus expresses it:

When you are sad, KNOW that this NEED NOT BE. Depression ALWAYS arises ultimately from a sense of being deprived of something you want and do not have. KNOW you are deprived of nothing, except by your own decisions, and then decide otherwise.

When you are anxious, KNOW that all anxiety comes from the capriciousness of the ego, and NEED NOT BE. You can be as vigilant AGAINST the ego's dictates as FOR them.

When you feel guilty, KNOW that your ego has indeed violated the laws of God, but YOU have not. Leave the sins of the ego to me. That is what the Atonement is for. But until you change your mind about those your ego has hurt, the Atonement cannot release you. As long as you feel guilty, your ego is in command, because only the ego CAN experience guilt. THIS NEED NOT BE.

Well, there you have it. In a nutshell. Any emotion that you can conjure up, is addressed in this passage. Jesus really knows you. And now, because you are on this journey without distance, there is no reason to cling to old habitual thinking. There is every reason to let it go. This is not difficult, it is just a completely different way to use the power of your mind. Instead of aligning with falsity, you align with God.

Let me know if this helps you today!


Monday, April 28, 2008

Letting Go of Idols

This is a tough teaching. I have to admit that to let go of all my ideas of what I think will complete myself is a major challenge. There are no degrees to this. I have to accept it as a total solution or it is nothing.

The human mind is always limited in its perception. Yet I have to look at this idea...can the limitless be limited? Can my idea of lack be fulfilled? The problem is the limited thought itself. I have to be undone in the very first thought I had about myself in separation. The idea that I am lacking something is the problem.

Jesus turned stones into bread by knowing that the bread was already given. A need is already met. He just gave thanks for it and it appeared before him. Cause and effect are not apart. They are ONE.

This is from Chapter 30, The New Beginning, Beyond All Idols:

Decide for idols and you ask for loss. Decide for truth and everything is yours. It is not form you seek. What form can be a substitute for God the Father's Love? What form can take the place of all the love in the Divinity of God the Son? What form can replace you? You as a complete idea in the Mind of God? Yet, here you seek for idols to do just that.

When you decide upon the form you want, you lose the understanding of its purpose. So you see your will within the idol, thus reducing it to a specific form. Yet this could never be your will, because what shares in all creation cannot be content with small ideas and little things.

See how total this is? It is about you, deciding to be who you are...who God created. Accept that and you are saved. It is just acceptance that allows you to remain as God created you since You are That now. You can be whole. Yet, to truly know it, on every level, physical, emotional, and mental, you must let go of your idols. I don't care what it is. I don't care about the form. Any idea, any substitute for God's Love is your idea that something outside of you will complete you. That is insanity on its most basic level.

Are you afraid to lose these little things you love and cherish? Be honest. If you think you need it, you are cherishing it and are lost already.

Let go of the form, let go of wanting the form to change. See beyond form. That is the great challenge. Because then, you would see its unreality and all your problems would simply vanish. You would see perfection all around you and you would be IT.

Guess what? YOU ARE. Why is this so difficult then? Because you deny it. You have all power and you put things in place of God all the time. You reject God and say, "I want it thus!" without even realizing it.

Behind the search for every idol lies the yearning for completion. Wholeness has no form because it is unlimited.

Yes! You want completion. That is what you seek. And seek you must. Because you are simply asking for what is your right. You do know of your perfection no matter how dim the possibility seems that you could be the light of the world. You are already this light, but you are looking at form and missing it. You see light or darkness.

This is the purpose of an idol; that you will not look beyond it, to ths source of the belief that you are incomplete.

You see, it's just a trick you are playing on yourself. You think you need something but you are already the THING YOU SEEK. It is YOU. You in the reality of love, of wholeness, of perfection.

I can see it now, but a few days ago, I was in a state of letting go and it was totally painful. The conversion of my limited mind is intense! Don't think it isn't so. In many moments of deep release, I am sometimes in so much pain it is astounding. My mind goes into ideas of how to relieve the away! Drink alcohol! Find another relationship! I am bereft of my own inner state of love and calm.

Then, I ask for help from a brother who is in this process and reach out. I am always assured that this is exactly where I need to be for a moment. Not to dwell on it, but to allow it to simply happen through me. I have to allow myself to become totally defenseless. I have to go through this without any hesitation.

It works. The next moment I am free and I can't remember what all that emotion was about. "I am never upset for the reason I think" becomes an experience.

It never is the idol that you want. But what you think it offers you, you want indeed and have the right to ask for. Nor could it be possible it be denied. Your will to be complete is but God's Will, and this is given you by being His. God knows not form.

God knows not form! He cannot answer you in terms that have no meaning. You see, the dream of form is the limitation itself, it is the idea that you are lacking something. What are you lacking? Everything!

This is a teaching of totality. You are nothing or everything. You are illusion, or truth itself. That is why books are not helpful unless they point to this experience of relinquishment. You have to do it to have it! Be it.

Thank you for your dedication to the truth of you.

Completion is the function of God's Son. He has no need to seek for it at all. Beyond all idols stands his holy will be but what he is. For more than whole is meaningless. Wholeness. Perfection. Glory. Grandeur. What God created. Not what you have made of him. You cannot change perfection, although you think you did.

It is simply a dream of lack, of suffering. It is not real, yet when you are in the throes of your inner conversion, you are in a release. Don't judge it, let it be whatever it is. Hate everyone, hate yourself totally and just let go. All this is being undone in these intense moments.

What is not whole cannot make whole. But what is really asked for cannot be denied. So, ask and the door is opened. Seek and you shall find. But be sure of what you seek. Anything less than perfection is asking for death, for hell. I know how hard this can be, but you have the courage to go through it. I know because I found it within myself. I am not different from you. I want truth, I want peace...I want to know myself as I truly am. I will not settle for anything less.

Thoughts seem to come and go. Yet all this means is that you are sometimes aware of them, and sometimes not.

The denial is just that, denying you the thoughts and feelings underneath all the pretense that you are JUST FINE. That you can solve your problem. An unremembered thought is born again to you when it returns to your awareness. Yet it did not die when you forgot it. It was always there, but you were unaware of it. You were simply unaware. Now you are becoming aware of every thought underneath the denial. This is what conversion is. Letting dark thoughts, thoughts of lack and pain come to the surface and allowing them to be released. No one can do it for you.

Yet the Thought God holds of you is perfectly unchanged by your forgetting.

I was recently told that I don't have to go through the emotions of this, I can just change my mind and it will all be undone. Theoretically, that is true. Jesus says in the Urtext, you will feel all this pain but THIS NEED NOT BE. I do understand that it is my own attachment to pain that is the problem. But I also know that personally, in my process, deep emotional release is included.

I have never been able to do it any other way. Yes, it gets easier, and things release a lot quicker, but I cannot deny my emotions. They are simply there underneath all the denial. They show me where I need to look. I allow them and go through them without defense and they release. I am free when I don't avoid any thought, any idea. I don't mean that I dwell on the pain, but I have to be willing to allow feelings to come and go. I am not afraid of my emotions. I don't know how to do this without emotion. To me, that is just more denial. This is a very personal experience and no one can tell you how it should be.

The Thoughts of God are far beyond all change, and shine forever. They wait for welcome and remembering. The Thought God holds of you is like a star, unchangeable in an eternal sky. So high in Heaven is it set that those outside of Heaven know not it is there. Yet still and white and lovely will it shine through all eternity. There was no time it was not there; no instant when its light grew dimmer or less perfect ever was. Who knows the Father knows this light, for He is the eternal sky that holds it safe, forever lifted up and anchored sure. Its perfect purity does not depend on whether it is seen on earth or not. The sky embraces it and softly holds it in its perfect place, which is as far from earth as earth from Heaven. It is not the distance nor the time that keeps this star invisible to earth. But those who seek for idols cannot know the star is there.

Thank you for all your light and recognition that you want this. For this you came. To accept within you the way out of hell and to be released into your divine perfection that is all around you is no little dream. It is magnificent. Thank you.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Faith in Your Brother

When a situation has been dedicated wholly to truth, peace is inevitable.

I read this and recognize that I have to make a dedication to have faith in my brother. And that to trust my brother is to trust myself. I cannot love without this inherent trust. I cannot know myself, trust myself, without knowing my brother. I must know him as myself.

There are habitual blind spots in my mind, where I really think I know something about someone else. I really think that my relationships are with someone outside my mind. I do. I have to admit it. I think I know who they are. Yet, if I really accept lesson #6, I am upset because I see something that is not there, I must make the admission that I am not seeing what is real. My relationships are showing me where I am in my own process. Period.

I put them there, I made them up. I have been in relationship solely and completely with MYSELF. My hallucination with my projections that I made, because lesson #15 says my thoughts are images I have made, so this is simply all that I am experiencing here. If I am judging, I am judging myself. If I am loving, I am loving myself. That is all. There are not degrees or intervals of this. It is either one or the other. Love or fear, truth or illusion. Awakening is total.

I love this, because it simplifies my life incredibly. I don't have to take anyone's inventory, I don't have to be at all concerned with what they say, what they do, how they react to me. I am simply in my own process. I take my own inventory and allow the correction witin me.

It seems that this would be an easy thing to do but my experience is that it takes great courage and inner strength to be free. The projections of my mind show me my own perception. I am making them up. I can be free but I have to be willing to be shown where I am off track. My brother will show me this and continues to do so. I have to be willing to see everyone, absolutely everyone differently.

I have to have total faith that my brother is already fulfilling my every desire. My desire is for freedom and he is there to ensure that I become free. When I finally accepted that this was true, I laughed out loud. I saw that my own insanity, my own need to possess, to be in conflict, to work things out with someone, had been the cause of all my unhappiness for my entire life. I was astounded at this. I saw that I had put my relationships in my life for my own healing. Yet I was causing them pain. And I knew it...I humbly begged God to forgive me. I was so sorry.

The reason I can trust my brother is because I put him there to learn who I am. I am learning it by admitting to myself that whenever I am in any conflict, it is because I want it. Then, I can ask for the release. I don't like the way it feels, I don't like thinking judging thoughts all day long. I have little tolerance for this now. I want to be released. I want to know my brother as myself and I simply cannot be whole without him. I want to love him and give to him. I want to set him free.

How can you truly be happy when you are judging your brother? First, you cannot even know who he is, because you made up an image of him and THAT, and only that, is what you are in relationship with. Truly. Can you accept this? You are the cause of your relationship. Only you.

I know how hard this is to do at first, but when you accept it, a door opens within you. And you have a real opportunity for change. You do not need to continue to act within your patterns any longer. Your patterns are made up. You can stop acting them out. Just get fed up with your own insane mind to control anything.

I just did this with a long term relationship and I am still amazed at how free I feel. I was married for seven years and it's over. And I am completely happy because all my judgments of myself that I was projecting, all my fears, all my petty expectations that he fulfill something within me, are simply gone. I feel totally new. It is so wonderful.

How did this happen? I wanted to be FREE. It's very simple, it's very clear. Now I am free to just love him. And I really do! Because I accepted one simple thing. He is ME. I had lots of ideas that we would be together forever, that we would go out and teach together, live together, raise our kids together. But they all disappeared. I had to let go of my ideas about him, about being married, about staying together. All of it was my own idea.

I remember when we first got together I realized I didn't know how to trust. I asked within myself "how do I trust my brother?". I was told "this is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased". Wow. The voice was loud and clear. I had to experience this for myself, to experience my brother as myself. To accept that he is as innocent, sinless, guiltless and entirely free to make his own decisions. I learned a great deal over these seven years. I learned to become very intimately involved with someone and to dedicate our relationship to healing. Guess what? It worked. And it is still working, because we are not separate. There is no loss. I love him deeply and now my love extends to all the Sonship.

Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity to heal the Son of God. And he is healed because you offered faith to him, giving him to the Holy Spirit and releasing him from every demand your ego would make of him. Thus do you see him free, and in this vision does the Holy Spirit share. And since He shares it He has given it, and so He heals through you. This is from Chapter 19, I. Healing and Faith.

Incredible. How simple is salvation.


Friday, April 18, 2008

I Rest In God

What would it feel like to completely rest in God? To be perfectly calm and quiet all the time. To be happy, joyous, and to act freely out of a sense of love, of joining in communication with my brother, to extend from the inner core of my Being. To be healed entirely of this dream of separation and to heal as I am healed. Do you want to know?

I have a living demonstration of it right here and now. It is incredible to be in the presence of a Master. I know that no matter what silly thoughts I conjure up during the night or in my interactions with my brothers, I have the Master. I have that one true reference. And he is me.

All idols must fall. Idols are anything at all that you hold outside your mind and think you need in order to be happy. I don't idolize the Master. I embrace him as myself because that is the fact of it. I am the light of the world. I am incredibly valuable. My light is what the universe longs to behold.

I can make these statements now in full recognition of their truth. I just simply accept them. I have released my false idea of separation. It was never true. I thought it was, and I have moments of insanity, but they just release when I decide enough is enough. It is very simple because false ideas are ridiculous and just simply disappear when I bring them to the light. The Holy Spirit is active and he will heal instantly anything you willingly give him to heal. It is a daily practice and my mind is always seeking this integration with truth.

I wanted full enlightenment and because I made that one decision, I got the result. Mind is all powerful. You either make a dream of falsity, or a dream of truth. It is entirely up to you.

Is it tolerable to you to be in pain, in a dream of suffering? If so, that is why you are in pain. If it isn't, that is how you woke up.

I learn from absolutely everyone I talk to. I am not able to allow someone telling me who I am and what I should do. I simply feel the pain of that and speak from my inner knowing. Awakening means letting go, but also it is active. It is an activation to be that light. To express it, to not be afraid to say what you truly feel. If it is false, it will be corrected. If true, it resounds throughout the universe and heals everyone, near or far.

If there is fear to say something, SAY IT! Just be free to express your mind. It is an important lesson for those of us who really had trouble being in a limited state of consciousness. Like me, for instance. I was always feeling the pain of judgment. But when I realized that was ME JUDGING! Then, there was hope. It seemed that I am being judged for being myself. But it is all changing now. Look at how people are beginning to ask the big questions...who am I, what am I doing here? What is my purpose in life? Heck, it's even on Oprah.

Twenty years ago, I went into a deep depression, and these questions were glaring me in the face. I knew I didn't know and I begged for the answer. A few months later, I found A Course in Miracles. I couldn't believe this book actually had the answer, but the first thing I understood was: there is no such thing as sin, there is only error and error can be corrected!

Yipppeeee! I could feel that! I knew it meant that I had hope. There was a reason for my existence after all. I need to be corrected! I am not beyond hope. It also meant that God is Love, which I always felt all along. The churches weren't teaching this back then and I hope they are now. Because a judging God just doesn't do me any good. I want a God that loves me and takes care of me.

So here I am, years later, wondering how did it happen? And I know that God is an awesome God. Because every question I had or have still is answered. I am in communication with the Love of the universe and I embrace that Love as my Self. The key is to know all your idols do fall, because they are barriers to your self-recognition. The light is in YOU.

I can rest in God, because I am the ray of light He created. I cannot be anything else. Nothing other than God exists.

I love you, I hope you know that you are love itself and that there is nothing to worry about. I hear the song in my head "In time the Rockies may crumble, Gibralter may tumble, they're only made of clay, but...our love is here to stay."


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Ray of Light

I am reading the Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. This is all about the Christ Light, Christ Mind, and I am having amazing experiences reading this that I can only read a paragraph at a time. Much like the Course in Miracles, I find that often just one statement is powerful enough to release my thoughts, my separate ideas over a long period of time.

I don't just read a book any more. I have to embrace it on every level, and my mind wants to drink it in, to absorb it's meaning and apply it. I have to allow the great silence to come into me and let it speak to me of myself. I have to slow myself down. My habitual mind wants to rush around and do things. It takes a persistence to resist this urge. I feel an impulse to act, then I stop, breathe, and see if it is really what I want to do. I don't live in reaction any more.

This comes with the territory of awakening. I see that my activity can become unnecessary very fast if I allow it to. I love reading, but I don't seem to remember what I read if I don't let it sink into me.

I know this all just an exercise. I am experimenting with my mind. With myself. I only want peace now. I refuse to be in conflict. There isn't any conflict anyway, but if I am constantly reacting, I am what conflict is. This is a challenge to me, because I watch my mind go into habitual thinking. It is all associated with time. Oh, it's Tuesday, my day off, I could go out for lunch...maybe I'll call someone...I make a list of people I could call. I either act on this impulse, or not.

I love just noticing my habits. I think there is security in them. But they actually keep me in chains, because they keep me in a past association with myself. Oh, I could go to Spain and teach there, I did that three or four times, maybe I'll do it again. But I just see how that is completely made up. The challenge is to always let go of what I did in the past. Let go of the habitual thinking.

I read the teachings and drink them in. Listen to this one, but stop a moment, breathe, let go of any idea that you have heard this before:

"No man will actually know God until he himself experiences the realization of God within himself. NO man knoweth the things of God except the spirit of God which is in him reveal them. ...The union of every condition brings man right back to God. He does not need to attain. He is God. That is wholeness of Principle. The materiality of illusion is that which gets us into all kinds of difficulties and strife. In that complete unification of Principle in man, we rise out of objectification entirely as we know objectification. There is a pure manifestion of God but it is not a material or limited objectification. It is a state of consciousness expression of all that Principle is. But there is not the slightest degree of separation or limitation. It is like a ray of light among innumerable rays of light, which altogether make the light that is universal, but each ray IS light."

This is so aptly put, very simple and very important to me right now. Here's more:

"The statement, "I am God," accompanied by the realization of what is truly involved in it will heal any condition instantly. If you realize it and see nothing but that Truth, only that Truth can manifest. In treating yourself or another you see and declare only the eternal Unity with God. That Light comes forth instantly for it is the true light and then we know that unity is in existence within ourselves. It is all accomplished. That is the Christ Light, the Christ Principle. This eliminates the theory that it is necessary to do any specific work on the glands, on the body centers, upon the body itself, or to treat disease, as you state it. The physical will fall into line as soon as we realize that fundamental Unity."

This is Christian Science. It is Jesus of Nazareth. It is A Course in Miracles.

I love it. I have no need to prove it. I know it's true, and so do you. There is no need for remedy. Truth is true and nothing else is true. You are the Ray of Light, the Christ, the Holy Son of God. Maybe you just need a reminder. I do.

Well, just let it sink in. There is nothing you need do, there is nothing to fear. Breathe, release your thoughts of illness, death, pain, suffering, and conflict. You are the Answer, you are the Ray of Light. It is so simple. But you must apply it. Let me know how it's going...I love you!


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ask For Help

Sometimes it is the hardest thing to do, just to simply ask for help. I don't know why that is, but I think it has to be because of the only problem I ever have...fear. What if I get a response I don't like? What if I am refused the help I need? Then what? I am all alone!

But until I learn to just ask, I am all alone! Until I ask, I will never give anyone the chance to help me. In fact, I am believing a lie, that I can do it all myself. Which just isn't true. I need everyone's help. Denying this fact keeps me separate and I am buying into littleness again.

Why don't I just take a chance on love? Give it a shot. Maybe my brother actually is helpful and giving and I don't have to do everything myself. What if my asking for help allows him to shine his light and I can learn to receive.

If it is true that giving and receiving are the same, I might as well learn to receive. I am crazy if I think I don't need help from my brother. I am totally grateful to see that my ideas of separation never, ever work. If I refuse help, I am simply staying separate.

I always need help. I am not at home here on this planet and I know that underneath all my fear is the knowledge that this is true. I have lots of painful memories, and I don't want to have to interact with anyone sometimes. I just want to stay in bed and be all alone. But, really, it doesn't work. It is a lonely place and I don't have to stay there. I can reach out and ask for help, and offer to help. My greatest joy is in extending myself. This takes many forms. I just show up and offer to speak with someone. Perhaps there is something I can say that will assist in some way.

All I know is, I am not alone. I have many brothers here who are, yes, images I have made. But if I don't take responsibility for the imagery, I am still separate. It is my job to be responsible for what I see, including someone in pain. Even if that someone is me.

Recently, I was extremely upset and angry with God and everyone around me. I couldn't contain it and for several days I was just in a fury. It doesn't matter what put me there, because obviously, I am undergoing a transformation and it is intense sometimes. But I had the idea that everyone around me had let me down. Every one I met reflected my anger, absolutely everyone!

So, I finally grabbed someone and told them exactly what I was feeling. I let it all out and let the emotions fly. I let all my secrets out, how God had let me down, how I couldn't believe it had to be this way...basically a perceptual temper tantrum.

As I let all this out, I felt a huge relief, and heard my friend telling me that all these things, these relationships I have put in my mind to save me, have to fail. They have to fall apart. Because they aren't really based on love. This seemed really crazy to me, because I am supposed to be in a spiritual transformation!!!! And my brothers are supposed to love me, not abandon me and betray me!

Right. Well, I can laugh now at being in such an insane place in my mind, but, in truth it wasn't easy to feel all this. She sat with me for at least an hour and I held her hand and shut up and listened. I allowed her to be the savior by surrendering to her whole mind. She completely got me. She had been divorced three times and knew exactly what I was feeling. Amazing how I got the right person in that moment isn't it?

I just simply let her save my ass. Today, I saw her and thanked her. She is incredible. We all need to reach out when the emotions are flying and the hardest thing to do is to ask for help. But it works.

I am on this mission, I have accepted the Atonement for myself. I cannot do it alone. I need God, Jesus, and all my brothers. The fact is, if I am not happy, I am wrong. Period. It doesn't matter what has occurred, how tragic, or how trivial. If I am unhappy, I am WRONG. It's my job to ask for a miracle and let the correction take place. Release the fear! Release the upset. It isn't worth it.

If you can't do it alone, ask someone near you, someone you trust to just sit with you and hear you out. They don't have to have the answer. They just have to listen and then, read a lesson with you. God is still Love and this is not His Will for you. God's Will for you is perfect happiness.

Luckily, I can just walk into the session room with the Master Teacher and all he has to do is look at me, and I am released. That's what I did after my hour with my friend, and a few moments later, I was myself again. I felt great. There was no pain, only light. I was completely and utterly saved. The memories were simply gone.

I am so lucky. I have nothing to worry about. All help is right here and now and if I am not utilizing it, I am insane.

Thanks to everyone who has ever helped me. I am only too aware of how much I need each and every one of you to get out of the insanity of my own separate mind. I have had lots of teachers and I cannot begin to list them all. I just know, somewhere I asked you to be there for me and I agreed to be there for you. Because this is how we got out of hell.

If you want to listen to a class, check out They are featuring some on-line classes. I heard my own class last night and I couldn't believe it. I hope it helps someone out there, because it sure helped me last night. Giving and receiving are the same! It's actually true.

Thanks for everything!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Power of Choice

I was on a flight to visit my father, who was spending some time in Florida visiting the places he used to go with my mother before she died. I decided it would be better if he had some companionship. As I was sitting there, reading a book I happened to pick up the airport, a voice spoke to me. It said, "You are extremely valuable!"

I'll never forget it. It took my by surprise and I felt the import of the words. I let them change me, right then and there. And I really took it to heart. I have to recognize that I am being helped. I can really feel these awakened masters with me and I know that I am not ever alone. When guidance comes in this strong, I pay attention.

Listen to this from Chapter 18, "Littleness and glory are the choices open to your striving and your vigilance. You will always choose one at the expense of the other. Yet what you do not realize, each time you choose, is that your choice is your evaluation of yourself."

Isn't that amazing? Your striving is always either toward glory or toward littleness. Ideas of lack or limitation in your mind are killing you. They are literally denying you your true nature.

What if I am here to be a totally glorious awakened teacher of God in service to mankind because of my commitment to the truth? What if that were true?
Well, it is. I am extremely valuable.

I am perfect and whole as God created me and I have nothing to say about it. My ideas of denial are nothing. It doesn't even make any sense to anyone, especially me. I know that I am happiest when I am giving to someone. When I have stopped to ask myself, do I really like myself and what I am doing right now? Do I enjoy this? Do I like what I spend my time doing? Do I like my partner, my children? Am I feeling glorious, or small? Is this working or not? Do I feel appreciated, loved, cared for. Am I appreciating myself? Loving myself?

This is really important. Because after two marriages, I have to pull myself up on how I let myself stay in unhappy situations too long. How I worked at a job not because I liked it, but because it paid the bills. I have to recognize that I have been making the choice for littleness and that my true desire is to experience the glory of my Self and extend that into the universe. I have to value myself entirely and recognize that I am whole.

My entire reference for my life has shifted. I no longer tolerate unkindness from anyone. Period. And I refuse to be unkind to anyone. I have to be admonished for impatience and mistrust. I have to see that I have tried to find happiness outside of me, in relationships or external circumstances. None of which has worked.

I am whole and perfect as God created me. That means I am honest, faithful, trusting, giving, and joyful. I must accept that these are the attributes I want to experience. Nothing less than happiness, which is a constant state, by the way. Consistency is honesty. And true happiness never wavers. I can experience happiness all the time if I am vigilant in my mind to be who I really am.

It's not easy. Here in this place I always feel a little bit afraid of people. I just do. It comes from a knowing that I do not belong here. And I am trying to find a way to be here. I have to earn money because I have children and I really enjoy seeing them. Working is giving and I have learned to enjoy working. I hate just sitting around or just watching movies. I am not entertained by this world any more. The only joy I really feel is in extending.

You might think it impossible to be happy all the time. I do want it, though. I want to experience only that. Only peace, only joy and only love.

In my awakened state, I know it's true. Yet, I die daily. I allow all my ideas to come into my awareness, admit them, and then let go. I am challenged by the practice I live by, which is to constantly surrender each unloving thought. In that choice, I am willing to be utilized. I want to know myself as I truly am. I am free to be myself. It has nothing, NOTHING to do with anyone else.

Freedom is freedom from judgment. Period. I no longer worry about what others think of me. I am MY SELF.

I have chosen to be in my glory. I simply have to accept that God is love. If God is love, so am I. There is no such thing as conflict or fear. Period. I don't tolerate it.

Finally, enlightenment is a choice to be the love that you are. A recognition of the truth of you. You are extremely valuable! And you have nothing to say about it. The sooner you experience it, the happier you will be. You might as well accept it right now. Don't allow any doubts to enter. Just be free of all the nonsense for a moment and let your light shine before men.

What have you got to lose?


Friday, April 4, 2008

Salvation Comes From My One Self

"You must habit yourself to the dazzle of the light and of every moment of your life.
Now I will you to be a bold swimmer,
To jump off in the midst of the sea, rise again, nod to me, shout, and laughingly dash with your hair".
Walt Whitman, Song of Myself

The poets know. I always am reminded in hours of quietness that there are those who know. They know themselves. They are the poets, the writers, the philosophers. I read Emerson and drink in his timeless wisdom that comes with experience. He got me through such trying times in my life. When my kids moved away, when my husband left. When my mother died. When the hours seemed so long and dull without the sound of little footsteps in my house.

My real affinity is for those who really know who they are, and who are not afraid to express themselves. There is no right or wrong in all this. My feeling for love, for being loved, for having a true relationship with God, my Creator is beyond my own understanding.

I find my searching coming into a newness, a feeling of simplicy and humility. And above all a wonderment at the slightest feelings, intimations or ideas.

Chance meetings with my fellows occur when I have no plans. And there is communication among us, beyond our own judgment. It just simply occurs in the moment. The spontaneity of my mind directs me to where to go. Fearless in the now. This is critical now.

All has changed, I cannot grasp the fullness of each moment. If I am sad, I am totally, completely bereft. If angry, I am furious at God and everyone around me. If happy, the joy is boundless. It is so extreme, and yet so alive.

All I know is I am alive! I feel all, I touch all, I am everything around me. I dare to love my brother and to let him in! I only want that sweet communication with him to know myself. It is rare. It is full.

Appreciation comes into my awareness at the end of the day. How horrible it began with all my thoughts of unfairness and smallness and now I am so peaceful with the knowledge of the love I feel, the communion I have with my self, with God. I cannot doubt the existence of the real, of the lightness of being. I am that.

I finally get that it isn't fickle to want to know myself, it is the only thing worth knowing, because God made me to feel all, to know all. To breathe and laugh and cry and find the heart, and live there. And to let my brothers come into my life, share their fears, their joys with me.

"Vivas to those who've failed!
And to those whose war-vessels sank in the sea.
And to those who themselves sank in the sea."

I love Walt Whitman for his daring, his pronouncements of life itself. Read this:

"There was never any more inception than there is now,
Nor any more youth or age than there is now,
And will never be any more perfection than there is now,
Nor any more heaven or hell than there is now."

Isn't that incredible?

My one self is to be celebrated, to be honored and to be sung. It is time to truly live in that aliveness of self. I cannot believe how easy it is...

"I celebrate myself and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.

I loafe and invite my soul,
I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass."
