Thursday, January 31, 2008

I am not the victim of the world I see.

If there is an idea of someone or something outside of myself in opposition to me, I am in hell. I have to see that the misperception of there being anything to be afraid of is the root of insanity. There is only Mind, and that is the Mind of God. I am a thought in His Mind...there are no opposing thoughts. I am free to be myself and nothing can hurt me.

Do you see that this means you cannot possibly be a body? This is a declaration of release. If I am a body, I am in a dream of death. I can be sick, I can suffer, and I can die. This is the definition of hell. I want to see it differently, because I am the cause of this hell I'm in. I can just as easily have a new thought and accept that I am the image maker of all of it. I can just as easily decide I want to know the truth and let go of my own perception of everyone and everything.

I can decide I want to be free and not allow these victim ideas to tell me who I am. I am not free if I think someone or something is outside of my mind telling me who I am and what I am to do. It is a decision, finally, to accept my Christhood. It is just a simple decision. But what a lot of dross is in my mind that denies it! The denial is so insane and yet so tenacious.

That is why you need the mind training. You do deny the Christ, because to accept Him as what you are, means that you would be entirely different from this body idea you've made up. You would be unlimited, free and able to travel anywhere you like. You would need only to have a thought of a place, and there you would be...anywhere at all in the universe. You would have no needs that aren't instantly met. You would feel completely free and happy all the time. You would be in a state of total trust and love with all of creation. And it would never end.

This is your reality, you are not a victim of the world you see. Your dream of death is already over. You relive it each moment because you are not yet willing to let it go forever. You have all power. Your mind is the Mind of God. A thought in His Mind is the same as His Mind. You cannot make yourself, you cannot make yourself separate from everything. To think you can is a delusion.

If you really do this lesson today, your freedom from this world of death is given you and you can experience an entirely new you. It will happen when you decide you want it above all else.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

God is in Everything I See

I truly love how these lessons flow from one to the next. God is in everything I see is a perfect lesson in seeing differently. It comes down to a simple fact: If I judge, I don't see anything, and if I appreciate all things, I see perfectly. I see God in all things.

So, judgment, or my telling everything what it is, is my whole problem. When I cease doing that, I am free to experience everything as it truly is...full, whole and shining in a reflection of God's love. So this is the practice.

If I can stop judging just one thing, I can stop judging all things. This is the law of this holographic universe I find myself in. A grain of sand can show me the universe. One brother who I reject, when I appreciate him, can show me that I am free. One act of forgiveness heals the entire dream of hatred.

I had this experience once. There was one person who I thought had deeply harmed me, okay, it was my ex-husband. I finally got so fed up with my hurt, I begged for help. I was shown instantly, that it was my own self-hatred that I was seeing. I was amazed....I mean I read the Course every day and it is the entire focus of my life. But, this moment surprised me. I was hating myself! I had to admit it. And then, I realized, I still couldn't forgive him. I wasn't willing to let it go. The hurt was so deeply painful, but I had to be honest. I wasn't able to forgive this.

Crazy, isn't it...I see that I'm doing it to myself. But I still couldn't stop! So, I asked Jesus to forgive him for me. And I let it all go, and had to trust that Jesus, being the one I trust with all impossible situations, would not fail me.

A while later, I found myself making a phone call and thanking my ex-husband for all the good things he had ever done. For being a great dad to the kids and for coming through for them. It felt so good to say that! Because it was actually true. He had been a good partner and father to the kids. So, I was wrong all that time. I was hallucinating and making up something that just wasn't true.

Then, I heard a small voice inside my head say, "well it took you long enough!" I had to laugh. But isn't that the entire problem of human existence? I really think someone did this to me. I really think I am innocent. I really think that I am the victim. Because to admit that I caused it, that I caused my pain, my death, my hatred of my brother...I couldn't be a human being.

I would be free. And I would be happy and whole and my life would be forever changed. There would be nothing to complain about. And that is exactly what has happened. I am free. I can see through my bullshit ideas of sacrifice and blame. I know its really true and so do you! You are not as you have constructed yourself. You are at home in Heaven. The dream of pain is already over. I see only the past, until I see that God is in everything I see.

Then I can see everything as it truly is...shining in innocence and light. How incredible.


Monday, January 28, 2008

Above All Else I Want To See

What blows me away about this lesson, is that I have to make an admission: that I do not see now. That my eyes do not really see anything. That I am viewing only my own perception which begins with my thoughts from past learning. The sentence states that the lesson "gives priority among your desires". Above all else really means, above all my own limited perception, I truly want to see! I truly want to know who I am, and to see everything as it really is. Do you? I do!

The next lesson deals with the fact that if I take just one object and state that "above all else I want to see this object differently", I could gain true spiritual vision from just that one object. This one object would show me the purpose of the universe. Wow. So, just take a moment, pick an object and ask to see it differently. Spend two minutes six times today with no hurry. This is easier than long periods of meditation, truly. Twelve minutes to see the purpose of the universe! Incredible.

The purpose reveals itself to you, it gives you the meaning, the true meaning of what you see. You will not see it if you keep telling it what it is...that it is a table, a table, a table. Can you stop telling it what it is? Just for two minutes. Get quiet, look at it and say, I have no idea what you are, will you tell me? Then just listen. Open your mind. Let it speak to you of itself. It's really easy. But you have to do it. It will communicate with you.

I learned this through painting. I learned to let go of an object, and just see shapes, then let the shapes disappear and I could truly feel the object. It was expressing itself to me....nonverbally.

I was amazed. It is ALIVE! It is purposeful and meaningful and extending love! Then, everything around me starts buzzing! I feel it. I can let everything reveal itself to me....the meaning of everything is obvious!

But you have to want to see....above all else. Have fun with this today. There is another world right here and now and it has nothing to do with your physical location or ideas about it. You can let it tell you of itself, and you will be free. I love experimenting with ideas. I love looking at everything. I include every idea because I have no capacity for objecting to it. There is only thought. Everything is an idea, and it is in a total harmony of communication. You don't have to do anything special. It doesn't take time. It is going on all around you and you are an integral part of it.

Not as you have constructed yourself, but as God creates you...whole and perfect. Have fun and let me know how it goes!


Thursday, January 24, 2008

I Do Not Perceive My Own Best Interests

This lesson (24) reminds me that my perception is the problem. I am not capable of seeing the entirety of reality when my thoughts about my life, my situation, my relationships are so focused on me, me, me. I am completely asleep in the dream if I think I am the center of the universe. In the lesson it states: What I do is determined by my perception of the situation and that perception is wrong. Wow.

So, now what? I am asked to let my perception go. Allow a new perception to arise within my mind. But it doesn't happen until I let go of the one I'm manufacturing and holding onto. This requires that I step back, and let a miracle occur. The miracle occurs instantly, when I allow it. Why? Because God has already saved me from my dream! This is all already over! I see only the past. Remember the fundamental lessons. I am upset because I see what is NOT THERE. I think it's there, because I put it there out of a desire that it be there. But I am the image maker. Lesson 14, God did not create a meaningless world. I did. I gave everything all the meaning it has for me. Because, as it states in Lesson 15: My thoughts are images I have made.

OK. Now we are getting somewhere. I am the maker of the world I see. I can resign as the image maker. I can let God show me what is truly there instead. God creates only like Himself...and therefore, since God is love, there is only love. If I am perceiving anything unlike love, I am hallucinating. This is powerful stuff! I am in a hallucination of my own making, and I can simply choose to stop hallucinating. In fact, I have to, if I want to be free. Amazing that there truly is a way out of a dream of suffering, pain and death. And it is so simple, if I will just apply it.

I am constantly reminded that my awakening occurs as I let go of my own ideas and keep an open mind. A closed mind can do nothing, it is closed, just like the thought system of the ego is an entirely closed system unto itself, that is why it is totally noncommunicative. It is only concerned with itself. It cannot see beyond its own miniscule idea of itself as a body in a dream world. So, my mind will change when I get sick and tired of this closed system.

What do I want to see? I want an open system. I want to know that my life does have meaning, that there is a purpose for which I came into this place. I want to experience my life as full, meaningful, joyful and free! Well, guess what? God wants that for me too, because that is how He created me! I must know it's possible, because I remember it. I do remember being totally happy and free. I want it above all else.

So, it doesn't really take any time at all for this to be true. I don't have to work at it really, or wait for happiness, it is already given me. My job is to accept it. That is all. Simply accept that God created me perfect and I don't have anything to say about it. I am a perfect, whole, complete idea in His Mind. Everything is an idea. I am an idea of total love within the Mind of God. No one can take it away from me.

Can you accept that God knows you perfectly and that you have always been taken care of...even in the midst of turmoil, grief, illness, loss? Can you imagine what it would be like if you totally trusted God? You would have no fear. You would be totally free. Being enlightened just means that you have lost your fear. You are shown that fear is a misperception that you are maintaining. And you can let it go, let it be changed into a dream of freedom and light.

This freedom and light is all around you and you cannot be separate from it. If I have learned anything from my teacher, it is this: Everything is true by the possibility of it. If I can imagine being free, then I can experience being free. I can be free right now, because in truth, I already am. The release of my conceptual ideas is how I experience it. That is why the Workbook is so important. It is the way out of hell or separation or fear. It is the way to let this entire dream world be undone. It is so easy, yet you must practice it.

The world will change when I change my mind about it. I will see peace, I will experience an incredible harmony of communication with all of life itself. Because it is already happening, even though I slept. I wasn't aware of it for a while, but that is over now. Love doesn't ever sleep. It extends, it gives of itself constantly. I am not aware of it when my mind is asleep dreaming fearful dreams. But the dreams are just dreams! It is time to wake up!

One time, I heard someone say that you cannot become enlightened by practicing A Course in Miracles. I was so amazed! Why else would you want to practice it? Don't you want to be free? Aren't you doing the Course because you want out of the dream of death? Come on! It really does work, but you do have to want it to work. You do have to know that the possibility of becoming enlightened is there, and that it is true, just because it's possible! God doesn't keep secrets from you. He isn't keeping you are!

Isn't it time to put away your children's toys--your crazy ideas of fear and death? You are a whole and complete thought in the Mind of God. You cannot lose anything. You cannot die, you can only make up a dream of death and think its all really happening, and you will be asleep for a very long time.

I love you and I don't want this dream for you any more. I want you to be free, because I'm free. I know it's true, I know first hand that God is love and I am what He is. I love you!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Escape This World

Lesson 23 is hitting me upside the head today! I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts. How simple can it be to awaken and be free. I am responsible for my attack thoughts, even though I think they are attacking me. Even though I think someone else is thinking that judgment thought about me, I am actually thinking it about myself! What? Yes, it's are doing this to yourself. And don't you think its time to stop? Why judge anything, when it isn't making you happy?

So the training of my mind is about first noticing that I am thinking attack thoughts all day long. Comparing myself with others, wondering how they are responding to me, watching myself judging them. Wanting to run away from them, wanting to get close. But do you see how the thought comes first? You think a thought about someone and then you see them that way! You are actually doing this all to yourself. They are an image in your mind. You have made up your own dream. You are the image maker. Everyone in the dream is a figment of your imagination. You are telling them what to say to you. You are telling them to love you, hate you, talk to you, reject you! You are doing it, dear ones!

In the admission that I am the dreamer of the dream, there is a possibility of hope. I can have instead of this dream, a true experience of release. When you have gotten fed up with the attack/defense modality which you are manufacturing, you finally have a chance to do something different. To see everything differently. Until then, you are asleep and you let everyone here tell you who you are. But they don't actually know, because they don't know who they are. You are you. You are the one dreaming and you can choose to awaken, right here and now. It doesn't take time. You don't have to learn to meditate. You just have to be able to follow a simple direction. Look at the world around you. Does it satisfy you? If so, great. If not, read on.

You can just as easily choose a different dream. Choose to awaken and to see yourself entirely differently from the way you have been seeing yourself and everyone around you. No one is attacking you. Your past is over and gone. You can't heal it. You can't escape from it. You can only let it be over and gone. You see, YOU NEED DO NOTHING. Your thoughts are what make up your dream, and you can let your mind be totally changed. In the twinkling of an eye, we shall all be changed. Do you want that? This is your time of resurrection. This is your time of awakening. The method is here and you only have to use it to be totally free forever.

Forgive yourself the idea that God wanted this dream for you. He created you perfectly and you are not at home in separation from Him. I love you! I want you to know who you are, because I know who I am. I am free because I practice this lesson all day long and my world around me changes each moment! It is incredible how simple this solution!

This way will work, it will set you free from every experience of pain, limitation, and yes, dear ones, even death itself. Matter is not real. Only Mind is whole, free and boundless. You are THAT!




The time is at hand for all to awaken from the dream of chaos and death. Everything you need to do so has been provided. All you need is your own willingness. Even that, the Holy Spirit will provide. So, let's begin, dear friends.

It takes no time for God to be Himself and for you to be His Holy Son. He has given you everything and you are what He is. So, any idea to the contrary is simply nonsense. I heard the call, I answered it and I awoke from the dream. My only desire is to give this to you. You are what I am. Do you want to awaken? Or do you like being in hell? It is such a simple question really. But until you begin to question the idea that God could want this for you, you will not answer it. You do think that God is somehow responsible for your pain. But, how could that be, if God is love? You are responsible for your pain and you can choose right now to be free of it forever. How? I don't know how you did it...I only know how I did. I can offer that to you, and you can accept or reject it. It's that simple. There are no demands being asked of you. There is only a constant offering being made.

If you are on. You are in for the ride of your life! Blessings!