Wednesday, January 23, 2008



The time is at hand for all to awaken from the dream of chaos and death. Everything you need to do so has been provided. All you need is your own willingness. Even that, the Holy Spirit will provide. So, let's begin, dear friends.

It takes no time for God to be Himself and for you to be His Holy Son. He has given you everything and you are what He is. So, any idea to the contrary is simply nonsense. I heard the call, I answered it and I awoke from the dream. My only desire is to give this to you. You are what I am. Do you want to awaken? Or do you like being in hell? It is such a simple question really. But until you begin to question the idea that God could want this for you, you will not answer it. You do think that God is somehow responsible for your pain. But, how could that be, if God is love? You are responsible for your pain and you can choose right now to be free of it forever. How? I don't know how you did it...I only know how I did. I can offer that to you, and you can accept or reject it. It's that simple. There are no demands being asked of you. There is only a constant offering being made.

If you are on. You are in for the ride of your life! Blessings!

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