Thursday, January 31, 2008

I am not the victim of the world I see.

If there is an idea of someone or something outside of myself in opposition to me, I am in hell. I have to see that the misperception of there being anything to be afraid of is the root of insanity. There is only Mind, and that is the Mind of God. I am a thought in His Mind...there are no opposing thoughts. I am free to be myself and nothing can hurt me.

Do you see that this means you cannot possibly be a body? This is a declaration of release. If I am a body, I am in a dream of death. I can be sick, I can suffer, and I can die. This is the definition of hell. I want to see it differently, because I am the cause of this hell I'm in. I can just as easily have a new thought and accept that I am the image maker of all of it. I can just as easily decide I want to know the truth and let go of my own perception of everyone and everything.

I can decide I want to be free and not allow these victim ideas to tell me who I am. I am not free if I think someone or something is outside of my mind telling me who I am and what I am to do. It is a decision, finally, to accept my Christhood. It is just a simple decision. But what a lot of dross is in my mind that denies it! The denial is so insane and yet so tenacious.

That is why you need the mind training. You do deny the Christ, because to accept Him as what you are, means that you would be entirely different from this body idea you've made up. You would be unlimited, free and able to travel anywhere you like. You would need only to have a thought of a place, and there you would be...anywhere at all in the universe. You would have no needs that aren't instantly met. You would feel completely free and happy all the time. You would be in a state of total trust and love with all of creation. And it would never end.

This is your reality, you are not a victim of the world you see. Your dream of death is already over. You relive it each moment because you are not yet willing to let it go forever. You have all power. Your mind is the Mind of God. A thought in His Mind is the same as His Mind. You cannot make yourself, you cannot make yourself separate from everything. To think you can is a delusion.

If you really do this lesson today, your freedom from this world of death is given you and you can experience an entirely new you. It will happen when you decide you want it above all else.


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