Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Escape This World

Lesson 23 is hitting me upside the head today! I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts. How simple can it be to awaken and be free. I am responsible for my attack thoughts, even though I think they are attacking me. Even though I think someone else is thinking that judgment thought about me, I am actually thinking it about myself! What? Yes, it's are doing this to yourself. And don't you think its time to stop? Why judge anything, when it isn't making you happy?

So the training of my mind is about first noticing that I am thinking attack thoughts all day long. Comparing myself with others, wondering how they are responding to me, watching myself judging them. Wanting to run away from them, wanting to get close. But do you see how the thought comes first? You think a thought about someone and then you see them that way! You are actually doing this all to yourself. They are an image in your mind. You have made up your own dream. You are the image maker. Everyone in the dream is a figment of your imagination. You are telling them what to say to you. You are telling them to love you, hate you, talk to you, reject you! You are doing it, dear ones!

In the admission that I am the dreamer of the dream, there is a possibility of hope. I can have instead of this dream, a true experience of release. When you have gotten fed up with the attack/defense modality which you are manufacturing, you finally have a chance to do something different. To see everything differently. Until then, you are asleep and you let everyone here tell you who you are. But they don't actually know, because they don't know who they are. You are you. You are the one dreaming and you can choose to awaken, right here and now. It doesn't take time. You don't have to learn to meditate. You just have to be able to follow a simple direction. Look at the world around you. Does it satisfy you? If so, great. If not, read on.

You can just as easily choose a different dream. Choose to awaken and to see yourself entirely differently from the way you have been seeing yourself and everyone around you. No one is attacking you. Your past is over and gone. You can't heal it. You can't escape from it. You can only let it be over and gone. You see, YOU NEED DO NOTHING. Your thoughts are what make up your dream, and you can let your mind be totally changed. In the twinkling of an eye, we shall all be changed. Do you want that? This is your time of resurrection. This is your time of awakening. The method is here and you only have to use it to be totally free forever.

Forgive yourself the idea that God wanted this dream for you. He created you perfectly and you are not at home in separation from Him. I love you! I want you to know who you are, because I know who I am. I am free because I practice this lesson all day long and my world around me changes each moment! It is incredible how simple this solution!

This way will work, it will set you free from every experience of pain, limitation, and yes, dear ones, even death itself. Matter is not real. Only Mind is whole, free and boundless. You are THAT!


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