Tuesday, January 29, 2008

God is in Everything I See

I truly love how these lessons flow from one to the next. God is in everything I see is a perfect lesson in seeing differently. It comes down to a simple fact: If I judge, I don't see anything, and if I appreciate all things, I see perfectly. I see God in all things.

So, judgment, or my telling everything what it is, is my whole problem. When I cease doing that, I am free to experience everything as it truly is...full, whole and shining in a reflection of God's love. So this is the practice.

If I can stop judging just one thing, I can stop judging all things. This is the law of this holographic universe I find myself in. A grain of sand can show me the universe. One brother who I reject, when I appreciate him, can show me that I am free. One act of forgiveness heals the entire dream of hatred.

I had this experience once. There was one person who I thought had deeply harmed me, okay, it was my ex-husband. I finally got so fed up with my hurt, I begged for help. I was shown instantly, that it was my own self-hatred that I was seeing. I was amazed....I mean I read the Course every day and it is the entire focus of my life. But, this moment surprised me. I was hating myself! I had to admit it. And then, I realized, I still couldn't forgive him. I wasn't willing to let it go. The hurt was so deeply painful, but I had to be honest. I wasn't able to forgive this.

Crazy, isn't it...I see that I'm doing it to myself. But I still couldn't stop! So, I asked Jesus to forgive him for me. And I let it all go, and had to trust that Jesus, being the one I trust with all impossible situations, would not fail me.

A while later, I found myself making a phone call and thanking my ex-husband for all the good things he had ever done. For being a great dad to the kids and for coming through for them. It felt so good to say that! Because it was actually true. He had been a good partner and father to the kids. So, I was wrong all that time. I was hallucinating and making up something that just wasn't true.

Then, I heard a small voice inside my head say, "well it took you long enough!" I had to laugh. But isn't that the entire problem of human existence? I really think someone did this to me. I really think I am innocent. I really think that I am the victim. Because to admit that I caused it, that I caused my pain, my death, my hatred of my brother...I couldn't be a human being.

I would be free. And I would be happy and whole and my life would be forever changed. There would be nothing to complain about. And that is exactly what has happened. I am free. I can see through my bullshit ideas of sacrifice and blame. I know its really true and so do you! You are not as you have constructed yourself. You are at home in Heaven. The dream of pain is already over. I see only the past, until I see that God is in everything I see.

Then I can see everything as it truly is...shining in innocence and light. How incredible.


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