Sunday, July 6, 2008

What is Illumination?

Since the passing of the body of the Master Teacher, I have been in a state of mind that is totally new. I cannot describe it. I know it isn't really different from before, but just more exponential in its power. I asked to be shown why this is.

The answer came from the Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. Here it is:

"When we go back to the center of anything, it is pure light and this is the inner light of which Jesus spoke. It is the light of Illumination. The greater man's spiritual awakening, the greater the light. Have you not noticed that one awakened in joy has a radiance about his countenance? When one is spiritually awake, the light is correspondingly bright. That is why artists paint Jesus with a halo of light about him. Light is life. This is the "light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world" and it is the fire through which the initiates of the occult schools had to walk in order to be eligible to illumination. This light is all about us and is an emanation of the Pranic ethers. It is the light which is the beginning and the end of creation. When you can live in the light, as you now live in your sense of body, you will be immortal for the light never dies...

The transfiguration of Christ was when the consciousness of Jesus was merged into the realization that Intelligence, Life, and Substance were in the last analysis ONE and that One was what he called the Father, or primal cause, like all the various colors of the spectrum returning to a pure ray of white light."

Well, I don't know if this helps you, but it sure does show me that there is nothing going on here in dark form. There is only light and that light is me and is everywhere. This is the same teaching that all Masters teach. It never varies because truth is true and nothing else is true.

You must go through your initiation to experience it, however. It is imperative that you train your mind and that you focus on your transformation whole heartedly. There is no room for deviation from the purpose. The mission to fulfill is your awakening. It has nothing to do with anyone else. NOTHING.

So, be about it. All the tools are here. All the light and support are here. It is up to you when you awaken, but you even already decided that. We are still in body to shorten your time, that is all. You do not need to linger in time any more. It is over. It is past. Everything you see here is of your own making and it does not exist.

Freedom means coming into the light of your endless joy and love of your brother who is your Self! It is what you already are, so it doesn't take time to experience it. It is simply is your inheritance.

But you must relinquish the material static noncreative world you made. You must let go of your desire for anything other than perfection and perfect love. Forgive your enemy...for it is YOU! There is nothing in opposition to you. You are simply denying your own happiness and freedom in every moment. Pain is a poor perspetive. Be free. Choose again. It is very simple, but you have to want it, apply it and experience it.

I love you!



Paqui said...

Wow!!! I know where does this powerful words came!!! Pure Light!!! you Are There and take us with you.

Thanks for fulfil your function of being happy!!!

I love you so much!

Χριστίνα said...

Thank you, Monica
Yes, I choose to be free...
Yes, I choose miracles instead of grievances...
Yes, I choose to let go of my desire for anything other than perfection and perfect love.
I choose not to deny my happiness and freedom any more.
I choose to want it, apply it and experience it

Χριστίνα said...

I forgot to tell you that I am Christina from the miracle cafe, and this is my greek blog, where I am sharing my experience with my greek friends

Love, Christina