Saturday, May 17, 2008

Time of Transition

We are all feeling the insertion of an amazing light factor that is the Master Teacher out of body. He is everywhere. I am everywhere. I made my amends to my partner whom I love so much the day after this occurred, and I finally realized that I was only doing it all to myself. That I am what love is. I simply cannot believe the power behind this realization.

In doing this last forgiveness, I uncovered so much fear. Behind every grievance was a list of at least four or five fears, fear of loss, fear of no communication, fear of being alone, fear of nothingness, fear of not having my dream fulfilled!

I listed them all and they were 2 1/2 pages long. So, I asked Jesus, this is too much fear for me to deal with, what is it I am really afraid of now? He said, "Your perfection." So, I let go.

I went to see a Network chiropractor I used to go to in Brooklyn. He is an amazing healer and he helped me so much when I was going throught my initial transformation and having babies in New York. Amazingly, he now lives in Viroqua, a really nice little town not far from here. I was instructed to go by myself.

This was on Tuesday, the day Dear One left, and I gave him Dear One's video called "The Successful Transformation of the Human Being". He did a spinal adjustment on me and he found within my mental field a tiny voice that was behind this fear of perfection: It said "I am not enough." And it released and I suddenly realized, I am the light of the world. I can be this now because I am not afraid. I can be whole and perfect as God created me. No more doubts!

That night, I was driving through Reedsburg just around 8pm when Dear One made his final transition. In session the next day, I made my amends to my husband and the tears would not stop flowing.

We had a 12 Step meeting last night where I shared my story, and I am feeling so much love walking around in so much light now. I cannot believe it. I watch the Old Man's videos every night before I sleep and he is with me all night long. Lots of people are coming in to receive his light. He has fulfilled his assignment. Now I must fulfill mine.

It is so incredible. But it isn't really any different than when he was here. It is just up to us to fulfill our function now. There is so much gratitude! You can watch the latest videos on!

All for now,
Love and blessings!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Beautiful. Thank you for your perfect expression, and for all your dedication and grace.