Friday, August 15, 2008

What Does it Mean to Be in the Now?

While reading The Power of Now, I keep asking myself, what is the ultimate goal of this book? I am always asking myself...what is it for? That is the question that I must ask myself lately. What is it for? If it meets the goal I have set for myself, it will serve my purpose, and help me in my spiritual healing and growth. But, if not, I simply don't have to do it.

That is exercising power of mind. My peace of mind is everything to me. I don't want conflict in my awareness any longer. But to truly have a consistent experience of peace, which is my goal, I have to be willing to look at the thoughts in my mind and let them go. Spiritual transformation does not mean that I will never have a conflictual thought, it just means I will have none that I would keep. I am in a transformation now. I don't want anxiety to rule my mind and I do want to be healed. My spiritual healing involves arriving in the NOW moment where I can feel the stillness underlying all action.

How did I get here? I had to apply the lessons of A Course in Miracles and I had help from the Master Teacher. I also needed all my brothers who are in this process with me. I left the earth at one point and saw my mind was free and that I was not a body. Then, when I came back, I realized there is still work to be done. I am in service to the spiritual transformation of my mind. Is this mind your mind? Yes! We are not separate, so my mind is a healing mind. So is yours. It has to be.

Prayer, stillness, mental peace is all a part of it. The great global awakening is occurring whether you are aware of it or not. All forms of personal development are healing the suffering and depression of the human mind. And there is a point you reach where you go beyond human mind thinking. You go beyond your personal reference. You go beyond the idea of death. This is where you become illuminate. You have no cares for yourself individually. You simply want to help. You are aware that you are dreaming and you are now free of the concerns for your body. But you are also aware that you are here to serve, to give, and to love.

It becomes an all inclusive thing. Spiritual life is singular, my life is your life. I know you perfectly well. The movie, A Course in Miracles Unleashed shows that the joining of the mind is everything. The inner transformation is inevitable and it really works. This powerful documentary shows that this great awakening is happening to people everywhere because it is time. It is time to let go of human suffering and pain and to let your ideas of death be released. It is time for the second coming. Which is simply you, coming home to your Self.

Every person on the movie stated virtually the same thing...I was in pain, I got sick and tired of the pain, I asked for help. I couldn't stand it any more. I got on my knees and I prayed. I let go of my ideas, a miracle occurred and I was freed of my problem. I was relieved of my suffering and I changed. Fundamentally changed. I resurrected and now I am free to live in the grace of God. I am free to be my SELF.

As an awakened mind, I see what is true and I am not fooled by appearances any more. I may not have money, or possessions and that is great. I welcome the change. It is now up to me to let go of the idea I need these things and stop clinging to them. I can let them go and be free to be myself no matter what appears to be happening to me.

Letting go of the physical attachment to these things isn't hard because, really, they are just IDEAS. Just ideas! The cells in my body are all light! I don't have to worry about whether I will have life insurance! I have total life assurance, because I AM LIFE ITSELF!

It is a quantum leap from egoic thinking, from bodily concerns to be illuminate and free. To know that no matter what, I actually already resurrected from this place of death. Jesus showed me the way and I left too. It is already over. Time is not sequential.

Mental peace is it. A certainty that in the NOW, I am myself. I am free of anxiety and pain. I am no longer afraid...of death, of my brother, or of anything! Lack is impossible. I am the fullness of creation!

I am happy knowing I am with God. So, I pray constantly because the mind is joined to the Creator and thinks the same thoughts. This is peace. This is inner peace. This is my goal. I don't even care how I got here. I just know it was a miracle.

What will it take for you to experience it? I don't know. It is beyond reading a book about someone else's experience. It is beyond reading a blog. You have to want it above all else. Do you want to be a part of this great awakening? It is exciting. It has never been done before. You are here to transform yourself back to your original state of mind...heaven, if you will. Peace, knowing who you are and who your brother is, is the goal.

Being in the now is only about happiness and freedom from concern. Your personal growth is more about undoing, rather than becoming something, enlightenment is but a recognition that you do not have the power to change what God created. Thank God! All your errors of thought made up your story of separation. But you could not make them real.

You are awakening from the dream. You are now coming out of death, suffering, and human ego thinking. You are now in a constant release of the fear that caused it. Thank you God. Peace is worth it. Knowing I live with God, with the energy of love in my mind always, even when I am distracted for a moment. I know that constant prayer works. Because it aligns me with the Creator, with God, my Father, who loves me.

I love you with all my heart. Let me know how I can help.

Oh, yeah. To view information about the movie, go to See you there!

Love and blessings!

1 comment:

wim said...

Wow Monica, thank you for this. It took me out. Thank you so much for your example of being yourself in the NOW. I totally enjoyed reading the blog and let myself be overwhelmed by it like big waves of the ocean. I love you with all of my heart, you are so beautiful. Thank you Sweet Heart.